Last recipes

Canned aubergines in tomato sauce
Barley porridge with stewed meat
Pozharsky chicken cutlets
Homemade pumpkin pie
Russian potato pancake recipe
Russian Shuba salad - herring salad recipe
Lavash bread
Russian beet salad "Vinaigrette"
Russian pickled cabbage kvashenaya kapusta
Potato sticks with cheese
Our favourite Russian Kulich for Easter
Russian Easter bread "Kulich"

Russian cuisine

Sandwiches with canned fish

Бутерброды с консервированной рыбой

These simple fish sandwiches I strongly associated with student years when the abundance of food was not available because of the price and the time to cook confined intense learning process. But even with such constraints, these fish sandwiches (more precisely - with canned fish), were "nail any feast." However, years later, I still cook them, the more so that everything about everything you need less than 15 minutes. 

Cherry compote

Как закатать компот из черешни

Summer. It's time to fruit and berries in a myriad of what other products that are available all year round, invisibly sidelined. And this is understandable. 

Strawberry Mousse

Мусс из клубники рецепт

This mousse with strawberries, I would suggest at least once to prepare yourself for every man. And then add to the number of win-win "sticks-vyruchalochek" along with a large bouquet of red roses, a bottle of champagne and nutmeg big box of delicious chocolates absolutely all the stronger sex.

Strawberries compote

Клубничный компот на зиму рецепт

This is a simple conservation of the number of those that are abundant preparing zealous hostesses for the whole winter. And when a cold, rainy day and gets you open this "piece of the summer," the world as if, revives and rejoices with you. And for this to happen in the winter, now have to try and labored. Although the work itself is very conditional, because everything is very, very simple and accessible to almost everyone of us. 

Potatoes with garlic and herbs

Картофель с зеленью и чесноком

Boiled potatoes anyway eat almost all of us. In one form or another, and not very tasty, undercooked, which crunches on the teeth, and it is not clear that: or undercooked whole tubers or nedorazvarennoe mashed potatoes, fresh young or very stale and simply sluggish. But somehow she is regularly in our diet (always slimming anorexic ladies - do not count). 

Chicken soup with rice recipe

Суп куриный с рисом рецепт

This is not a dish that is cooked as a festive meal or as a "crowning the main pudding", which can show off to others. On the contrary, it is an ordinary, ordinary dish which is prepared in haste just half an hour from the minimum of products. Although, to be honest especially broth is cooked for him still much longer. 

Russian fish salad

Russian fish salad

Species and varieties of fish salad (salad or fish - definition of who cares more like it), very, very much. So I did not cook "another one of a kind", which differs from the correct, "canonized" but minor, and offer my vision, I think, quite original. And although he can not quite like you, or vice versa, to become one the most beloved, a kind you have to consider. The only advice he most delicious immediately, as soon as you have prepared separately and all tastes, and a few hours later. Here then is worth giving his opinion on it

Apple charlotte

Рецепт яблочного пирога шарлотка

Regardless of my age, culinary skills and knowledge, attitudes toward the apple charlotte was always somewhat dismissive. And not because this fruit tart little disliked (did not even quite the contrary), but because of its incredible ease of preparation. After all, the apple charlotte forgives many novice cooks their inability and lack of experience, and everything always turns out almost all of us. So just move from words to action today and prepare classic apple charlotte.

Buckwheat with corned beef

как приготовить гречку с тушенкой

Most of us, especially those who are older, well remember the simple and unpretentious canned "Buckwheat porridge with meat" and "barley porridge with meat" mandatory were part of the diet and dry rations in many military units. But the thing, a thing of the Soviet era, the shops and supermarkets for its abundance of delight, and such simple canned completely disappeared from the market. And yet it is a very balanced diet, everything else is included in the number of easily digestible. It's no wonder nutritionists army (there were some) strongly recommended it as a regular diet. 

Cheesy bread

Сырный хлеб рецепт с фото

For many of us the concept of "cheesy bread" (not to be confused with cheese bread, it is consonant with, but quite another dish), associated with France. And I'm in it - is no exception. But preparing this cheesy bread for the first time, I tried one dish to please both sons immediately: heavenly love junior to all fresh and tasty baked goods and cheese just unreal adoration senior. And I got it. And now, as they say, on the heels, and I'll share their practical experiences with you. 


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