Last recipes

Canned aubergines in tomato sauce
Barley porridge with stewed meat
Pozharsky chicken cutlets
Homemade pumpkin pie
Russian potato pancake recipe
Russian Shuba salad - herring salad recipe
Lavash bread
Russian beet salad "Vinaigrette"
Russian pickled cabbage kvashenaya kapusta
Potato sticks with cheese
Our favourite Russian Kulich for Easter
Russian Easter bread "Kulich"

Mushroom dishes

Chanterelles fried in sour cream

Chanterelles fried in sour cream

Season, when his hometown I can buy fresh wild mushrooms (not just pretty overexposed for the year and oyster mushrooms), insanely short. Of course, there are more options with frozen and dried mushrooms, but in the first case of frozen water in them much more than the mushrooms themselves, but the origin of the second embodiment have strong doubts and questions. Well, I myself do not mushroom, although with such a love for him, always wondered why?

Fried chanterelles recipe

Fried chanterelles recipe

Believe me, ordinary fried chanterelles "with nothing" - this is exactly what the dish on taste and smell the mushrooms themselves depends on 90% of all the goodies. After all, how simple it may be, at least some products did not go to him and how little you need time - believe me, it is simply impossible to break away. Even if the fungi in general, and fried chanterelles in particular, you do not belong to "lukewarm."

Chanterelles fried potatoes

Chanterelles fried potatoes

If you want to, and prepare chanterelles fried potatoes, do the main course, a kind of "nail festive table," it would not be the best solution. And all because it looks very ordinary, prosaic and not solemn. But it is the taste and the smell of it, as one would say a lot of us, "is worthy of kings." And while preparing it is very simple, fast enough, and all of the five quite ordinary (except fresh chanterelles, season collection which is very short) ingredients. But judge for yourself.

Mushroom Roast

Жаркое с грибами и картошкой

For the first time this dish is not supposed to be me popular. And all because it is not prepared for the close friends, who are the most severe and honest criticism of my cooking, but for a single vegetarian who refused to everything else and more milk and dairy all.

Fried mushrooms in sour cream

Жареные грибы со сметаной

Fried mushrooms in sour cream, I do not just love, and cook them at every opportunity arises, but simply adore. Their incomparable flavor, and no less funky smell that extends far beyond the kitchen, crazy and expectations of all those who will be with me today at the table. But here's the thing: I live in a city in which there is simply no sale of forest mushrooms. A fresh mushrooms and oyster though are some consolation for the amateur fried mushrooms in sour cream (that is me) often do not have the proper taste or at least some flavor.

Braised cabbage with mushrooms

Тушеная капуста с грибами рецепт

Braised cabbage with mushrooms (any absolutely what you just find the nearest store), refers to the most simple and quick dishes that prepare elementary and eaten them even faster. Indeed, one of the best options for a simple and hearty dinner, which is prepared "one left."

How to roast potatoes with mushrooms

Как жарить картошку с грибами

The lion's share of all the recipes that I prepared more than the one and only time, "on trial", simple, very simple, and even quite elementary. But at the same time, all these dishes really tasty. Although the ingredients that went into their embodiment in life, very simple and sold in most grocery stores near my house in a residential area of ​​a small town.

Baked mushrooms.

Шляпки шампиньонов запеченные с сыром

One day I was already preparing baked mushrooms, and as for me, it came out very well, although then stuffing them (squid) was pure improvisation. But while searching for a suitable recipe I came across a classic version of cooking stuffed with mashed potatoes.


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