Last recipes

Canned aubergines in tomato sauce
Barley porridge with stewed meat
Pozharsky chicken cutlets
Homemade pumpkin pie
Russian potato pancake recipe
Russian Shuba salad - herring salad recipe
Lavash bread
Russian beet salad "Vinaigrette"
Russian pickled cabbage kvashenaya kapusta
Potato sticks with cheese
Our favourite Russian Kulich for Easter
Russian Easter bread "Kulich"

Russian cuisine

Tasty meatball soup recipe - with photos

Вкуный суп с фрикадельками рецепт

Soup with meatballs. From this very name breathes something warm, homey, a kind of feeling of peace and tranquility. I do not know about you, but I have exactly the same feeling. After all, the reason for this - the meatballs are not molded on one soup, and a much larger number, then frozen, and lay there until a certain time. And you can always get them from the freezer and quickly prepare a delicious and simple soup with meatballs. After all, they are molded not only me, but all the people in the household, and this simple procedure brings together the whole family. But it is - in my case, and you are free to do as you see fit.

Mushroom soup recipe with photos

Грибной суп рецепт с фото

This very simple mushroom soup made from those products that have almost any store. And it can make almost any but the taste is thus obtained simply unmatched. Although such assurances you probably heard and read many times, believe me, it's worth the time that you spend in the kitchen, and the experience very soon want to repeat again.

Recipe noodle soup with chicken

Рецепт супа лапши с курицей

Recipes, which prepares the noodle soup is very, very simple, you can even say primitive, but at the same time very, very tasty. It will repeat almost every rookie, but he has successfully become a subject of pride for even experienced cooks. Therefore theoretical experience to become practical, just cook it.

Russian fish soup

Russian fish soup

Most males, especially those who do go fishing, just seeing these photos, contemptuously say that this is not the ear, and fish soup. Of course, it is tasty, nourishing dish that is cooked in a large, smoked pot directly on the fire, when everything froze considerably, possibly wet and very hungry, do not go to any comparison with what I'll make today. But the fire, the pot, the relative lack of sanitation and modern kitchen concepts incompatible, so make a "domesticated" version of the soup.

Bean soup with mushrooms

Суп фасолевый с грибами

I do not know about you, but in 99% of all the recipes of soups that I know and cook, necessarily includes potatoes. And the soup, and the soup and pickle, and ear, and even pea soup - always in the list of ingredients to eat potatoes.

Russian meat soup solyanka step by step recipe

Russian meat soup solyanka step by step recipe

Not knowing what you have, but if a cheerful, noisy celebration is not in the nature or in places of entertainment, and I have at home or at the cottage, he dragged well past midnight. And not quite sober, but happy and tired guests wander into different rooms and surrender themselves to the Morpheus.

But in the morning, which often occurs in the afternoon, raises rumpled and not very cheerful people out of bed and almost everyone wants the same, liquid, hot and cold dishes that not only warms the hands of the soul, but also very pleasant to the taste.

Chocolate ice cream at home

Мороженое шоколадное в домашних условиях

Remembering the delicious chocolate ice cream stay in my memory since childhood. But what I always lacked in it, this is the most "chocolate". Parents always laughed and commented that Khladokombinat entire cocoa powder simply stolen.
Years have passed, a lot of manufacturers offering a number of varieties and species that unwittingly become entangled in them. But all of them - only the very poor excuse of chocolate ice cream, which I feasted in childhood.

Recipe tasty squash caviar

Рецепт вкусной кабачковой икры

Pumpkin caviar certainly ate each. Hardly once. But she was almost always purchase from various manufacturers, and the question of why you do not do it, women silently shrugged their shoulders, and men asked another question - why? And everything could not explain why squash caviar from vegetables, the color of which is absolutely green, banks - a red-orange?


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