Last recipes

Canned aubergines in tomato sauce
Barley porridge with stewed meat
Pozharsky chicken cutlets
Homemade pumpkin pie
Russian potato pancake recipe
Russian Shuba salad - herring salad recipe
Lavash bread
Russian beet salad "Vinaigrette"
Russian pickled cabbage kvashenaya kapusta
Potato sticks with cheese
Our favourite Russian Kulich for Easter
Russian Easter bread "Kulich"

Russian cuisine

Marinated zucchini

Маринованные кабачки быстрого приготовления

The recipe of marinated zucchini, love me a very long time. Ever since the days when I first started to cook their own, making its first, tentative steps. And it coincided with a general shortage of food and with my students, which is partly held away from home. And many of the dishes had to invent on the fly, from what was available, and not go to the nearest supermarket with a list of required ingredients as often I do it now. But I would still like it to be so delicious, interesting, and most importantly - very simple, that years later I am preparing the pickled zucchini often enough.

Pancakes with cheese

Блины с творогом рецепт с пошаговым фото

All kinds of pancakes stuffed with a whole, and pancakes with cottage cheese in particular, I cook with enviable regularity. And all because they are constantly making cottage cheese, the basic "raw material" for them - a serum, I always abound.

Sherbet with peanuts

Щербет с арахисом рецепт

Recipe of the sorbet with peanuts, I do not want to start from the beginning, like listing ingredients or necessary to do the dishes, and with my wife's reaction to it: "Well, you can not cook a delicious piece at night, it's terribly bad and unfair." And indeed, if you can break away from it, it is very, very difficult, and even then, very briefly.

Soup of the young cabbage

Щи из молодой капусты

It would seem, and what a difference, to prepare a soup, or make a soup of young cabbage? Like all the same, only used for the preparation of fresh, young vegetables, which matured yesterday on beds and not grown properly, correctly assembled, and most importantly - properly stored reserves for the winter.

Manna cheesecake recipe

Манник творожный рецепт

All sorts of dishes from cottage cheese I cook with enviable regularity. But the recipe for this cheesecake Manica, despite the fact that I got a very long time, has been implemented until now. I do not know why, but what happened, happened. All the more so because of its unusual taste, very soon, I'll make it again. Even children who are with a light hand dubbed it "curd maniac", ate it with great pleasure. A thankful consumers, silently absorbing his concoction, and even asked to supplement, this is the best compliment anyone, even the most venerable cooking.

Cottage cheese casserole with herbs

Творожная запеканка с зеленью

All kinds of simple, very simple, and vice versa, quite complex and multi-stage, I have practical knowledge and experience, more than a dozen. But meanwhile the lion's share of them - sweet and very sweet desserts, while salty foods - one, two and obchelsya. And I perceive the interests of each of them, trying not to fish or cut bait, as soon as possible to prepare. That is why I have today in the menu - salty cottage cheese casserole with herbs and how to do it - I'm with you, and share.

Meat in red wine recipe

Meat in red wine recipe

The meat in wine. This simple, but incredibly tasty dishes that I cook on holiday, is always in the center of the table. Still, even the staunch lovers of fish, or birds that are trying to prove their preferences in the most heated arguments recognize that it always manages my glory. But few people know that it is preparing a ridiculously simple and even elementary, of a minimum of ingredients, but there is one important secret: it must be marinated a day. This means that the decision about what you will prepare tomorrow will have to take today. While the rest - all very simple, and you are now in the see for yourself.

Pumpkin baked in the oven with honey

Тыква запеченная в духовке кусочками

Season, when the stores of my city in the free market have pumpkin, quite brief. I do not know the reason for this "food discrimination", but this is the case when you just need to make it. Time to buy, cook and eat. And that is why I have today in the menu is the simplest, but that - no less delicious, baked pumpkin with honey. Here's how to do it, I'll tell you now.


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