Last recipes

Canned aubergines in tomato sauce
Barley porridge with stewed meat
Pozharsky chicken cutlets
Homemade pumpkin pie
Russian potato pancake recipe
Russian Shuba salad - herring salad recipe
Lavash bread
Russian beet salad "Vinaigrette"
Russian pickled cabbage kvashenaya kapusta
Potato sticks with cheese
Our favourite Russian Kulich for Easter
Russian Easter bread "Kulich"

Russian cuisine

Russian salad scallion with egg

Russian salad scallion with egg

Prepare something for my mother, to her surprise, and of course, it is nice to please your culinary talents, willed my youngest son. And as an essential and indispensable to the fulfillment of this condition was "I'll make it all himself, and you can only watch and suggest," I invited him to make a simple, but very tasty salad with green onion and egg. Such a "edible curtsy" in favor of spring. And while green onions are on sale all year round, at this time of year it is the most relevant and in demand.

Dietary chicken breast cutlets

Диетические котлеты из куриной грудки

Not quite like the name of the dish - chicken cutlet diet. And until the end I do not know for what. The reasons are likely many, but the main - and inexplicable subconscious fear of all dietary, as yet at an early age is firmly lodged in my head that this - imposed restriction, and the reason for non-compliance - the possible negative consequences. Therefore, I prefer to call it a dish - chicken cutlets steam. It's one of the few dishes (I think) in the vapor tastes better performance than just fried.

Pea puree recipe

Pea puree recipe

Pea puree. I will not write that his preparation will take you a minimum of time, and it is perfectly suitable for those cases where there is nothing in the fridge and eat very, very desirable. That would at least be untrue, since its preparation will have to plan ahead.

Halva sunflower

Как приготовить халву в домашних условиях

I hasten to mention that neither the taste nor the color or even consistency, homemade halva from sunflower did not like the one that sold in pastry shops and grocery stores or supermarkets. But she did better than their analog purchased, it is just different. And cook it at least once, to lay down your own opinion, what is better all the same need. Moreover, it is very, very simple. Therefore I have today in the menu - elementary sunflower halvah.

Cake with apricot jam

Пирог с абрикосовым вареньем

Despite the fact that the cake with apricot jam turns out not simply tasty and delicious, and incredibly tasty and unrealistic. And eat it even faster than willing (though it takes a little time), I cook it quite often. And the reason - you need a real, tasty and rich apricot jam made from natural fruit, and not some jam, it is unclear on what to do and what the production has gone into its structure. But if it so happened that delicious toppings available - consider yourself very lucky. After all, everything else - simply elementary.

Salty wheat crackers

Сухарики в домашних условиях в духовке

For many years I experimented with different recipes, techniques and varieties of bread themselves, hoping to get "the same taste" salty wheat crackers. Sachets which just overwhelmed with all the food stalls, without exception (and not only) stores. But here's the thing: I did not get to do something like that.

Rye crackers

Ржаные сухарики с чесноком в духовке

One morning at breakfast, I came across a loaf of bread Borodino from the nearest supermarket, as they themselves say, "its own baking." But not for its taste and aroma, it attracted me, and his very dense, almost solid (and it is - in a fresh loaf) structure. And though I knew that just on the taste of rye crackers it will affect very slightly, almost nothing, then "hrustyavosti" - very much. I was not wrong, and so I have today in the menu simple but very tasty and crispy rye crackers.


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