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Stuffed with minced chicken recipe with a photo

Голубцы с куриным фаршем рецепт с фото
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Poultry dishes
Russian cuisine


The season has just appeared in the sale of a new crop of fresh cabbage ("plastic", which is a year-round "of the overseas countries" - does not count), for me, it has always been associated with the stuffed cabbage. After all, I cook them often enough.



But one day, buying, on the occasion, 500 grams of leaves of young cabbage (it is not necessary to understand, and they are much easier to fold)
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I, as an experiment, I decided not to buy ground meat (usually beef), beef and poultry. And as to go somewhere in specialty stores oh how not like (and why), bought 350 grams of minced chicken.
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And everything else, such as 100 grams of rice,
Голубцы с куриным фаршем рецепт с фото

one large onion bulbs,
Голубцы с куриным фаршем рецепт с фото

medium carrots,
Голубцы с куриным фаршем рецепт с фото

teaspoon salt
Голубцы с куриным фаршем рецепт с фото

couple tablespoons of vegetable oil,
Голубцы из куриного фарша рецепт

and, of course, the water, I have just had in stock. And since dinner inexorably approaching, I immediately started preparation of chicken stuffed cabbage, which I was very much pleased, pleased with the taste. But - first things first.
Голубцы из куриного фарша рецепт

The first step is put to cook until half our rice. Nothing complicated and tricky it is not, so wash it, fill it with water so that it was on the finger above the grits in a saucepan and put on a plate. When the water boils, pinpoint exactly one minute, then turn off the heat and "forget" him, until the water is absorbed completely. And all this time, do not remove the cover.
Голубцы из куриного фарша рецепт

Go to the cabbage. Also there's nothing complicated here, so the leaves fill with boiling water and leave to cool. So it becomes very soft and pliable to collapse.
Голубцы из куриного фарша рецепт

Vegetables clean blender and grind as finely as possible, "in the dust."
Голубцы из куриного фарша рецепт

Add the minced chicken, rice, salt (you can put more and freshly ground black pepper to taste) and mix well. Filling our chicken stuffed cabbage is ready.
Голубцы из куриного фарша рецепт

We turn off one Holubec. We place the center of the cabbage leaf heaped tablespoon of the filling,
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We folded the edges
Голубцы с куриным фаршем

and curl up in a "sausage." Also, we do the rest of the stuffed chicken.
Голубцы с куриным фаршем

In a frying pan pour the cooked vegetable oil, and one layer (this is important, so it took me just two pans), spread them. We put on the fire.
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Two ... three minutes, when they are a little browned, turn them around, cover the pan lid, and the low heat, simmer 25 more minutes. Water does not add, as they themselves will allocate it a lot.
Голубцы с куриным фаршем

That's it, our chicken cabbage rolls are ready.
Голубцы с куриным фаршем

Enjoy your appetite.

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