Last recipes

Canned aubergines in tomato sauce
Barley porridge with stewed meat
Pozharsky chicken cutlets
Homemade pumpkin pie
Russian potato pancake recipe
Russian Shuba salad - herring salad recipe
Lavash bread
Russian beet salad "Vinaigrette"
Russian pickled cabbage kvashenaya kapusta
Potato sticks with cheese
Our favourite Russian Kulich for Easter
Russian Easter bread "Kulich"

Russian cuisine

Pork with potatoes

Картофель запеченный со свининой

I do not know why, but this pork with potatoes I cook very rare. And now, when everything is filmed, cut, and most importantly - try (not failing to put an additive), ask a simple question: what is the reason? After preparing it is very simple, from a minimum of products that can be easily purchased at any grocery store, and all the time this ordinance takes less than an hour. Strange, very strange.

Pancakes with chicken liver

Оладьи из куриной печени рецепт

Pancakes chicken liver I cook quite often. But every time the amount of wheat flour, which is required for this dish, a little different. Can chicken liver and onions of different humidity can chicken egg of different sizes, I do not know. Most likely - all this together.

Noodles of pheasant

Суп из фазана рецепт

The main ingredient of noodles with pheasant, the bird itself, I got from my uncle-hunter who with a gun in his hand trying to spend all weekend long. He also told me how to cook it.

Grilled sausages

Жареные сосиски на сковороде

Cook these sausages fried in batter "Sparklers" I demanded from the younger son. And when I tried to find to find something suitable, the first thing he saw his inspiration: short story on Channel in the "test purchases". However, there used to him Viennese sausage smoked in a natural casing, which he can not stand.

Hake in cream.

Тушеный хек в сметане

Heck in sour cream (or hake in cream sauce, as you wish to call it), I do not often cook. Why - do not know. But I was very surprised by the request of my eldest son, who belong with the fish dishes with a strong cool, cook for dinner tonight was his.

Pancakes with chicken pate.

Блинчики с паштетом

My wife, when she wants to do something nice for me and the children,  she cook this tasty treat whole bunch, and then takes the praise, flattery and gratitude. Although in her own words, there is nothing  tricky and intricate, complex and simple. But to me, this dish does not given, although I, for the honor of speaking, never tried it. Just do not need

Hake in tomato sauce

Хек в томате рецепт

I cook hake in tomato sauce quite regularly. But that's why I decided to write an article about it just now - absolutely incomprehensible. Therefore, in order to quickly correct its mistake, go straight to the kitchen. Well, you - with me, if you do not want to lose sight of anything.

Fried hake

Жареный хек рецепт с фото

That's for sure, what could be easier than to cook fried hake elementary. And so I thought up until the first time not tasted this dish by its then still future, Tiffany. This is not something that is good and fine, it's great and wonderful!

Cheesecakes with apples recipe

Сырники с яблоками рецепт

Cooking these cheesecakes with apples, I pushed my sons: they are in love with this fruit, which is almost all year round, and the various options for the preparation of curd is also not indifferent. But it can not stand the classic cheese cakes with raisins, and simple "no nothing", they (and me too, it must be confessed), the procedure had enough. So today will prepare these tasty but very simple cheese cakes with apple.


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