Last recipes

Canned aubergines in tomato sauce
Barley porridge with stewed meat
Pozharsky chicken cutlets
Homemade pumpkin pie
Russian potato pancake recipe
Russian Shuba salad - herring salad recipe
Lavash bread
Russian beet salad "Vinaigrette"
Russian pickled cabbage kvashenaya kapusta
Potato sticks with cheese
Our favourite Russian Kulich for Easter
Russian Easter bread "Kulich"

Russian cuisine

Dumplings with strawberry recipe with a photo

Dumplings with strawberry recipe with a photo

Dumplings with strawberries I have never received, as I did not want it, and how many did not try. And the whole point of the berry, "plastic", which is in supermarkets all year round, I have no respect and never buy, and one with the local golf goes very short time - too sweet and very juicy. And dumplings with her just sprawled More at modeling, not to mention the cooking or serving.

Cheese cake with strawberries

Cheese cake with strawberries

The reason for making this cheesecake with strawberries, very, very simple: an attempt to cater to my youngest son, whose menu with the onset of summer heat narrowed to compotes and fruit. While other products and dishes he ate with great reluctance. Therefore, such a simple way, I tried for breakfast, lunch and dinner (the cake turned out rather big, enough for the whole family, even the next day), I fed him cheese, which with sour cream and sugar in it performs the role of a cream. But - first things first.

Pork in tomato sauce

Pork in tomato sauce

This dish - braised pork in tomato sauce, does not claim any role celebratory nor crown, nor particularly complex and volume. On the contrary, it is very, very simple, and is preparing for just half an hour. That's why it can be successfully recommended to all those who in thought, to do such a thing for dinner, but the imagination and ingenuity of today just do not have.

How to bake the pork in foil

How to bake the pork in foil

Frankly, any meat, baked in foil, as well as pork in particular, I cook in a hurry, when very, very hungry (and hearty and tasty), and to invent something neither the strength nor the desire. So today, from a minimum of products (you are easy to buy in the nearest grocery store, for example, on the way home from work), and just one hour of time, make a delicious baked meat - namely pork in foil.

Scrambled eggs with zucchini

 Scrambled eggs with zucchini

The story of scrambled eggs with zucchini, among the dishes that I have ever prepared, is as old as the world, "foggy" morning in a strange apartment, almost empty refrigerator, but very hungry. A time trying to buy something, and the more prepared, are sorely lacking, as half an hour to start lectures at the university, which is not what shirk, they can not be late for a minute, because of this the key depends on the exam score. So quickly take himself in hand, hastily wash, brush our teeth and go straight to the kitchen to dream and invent, from what is available. Sounds familiar, does not it?

Omelette with tomatoes

Omelette with tomatoes

Seeing the title, scrambled eggs with tomato, I was just going to write, my wife snorted and added that there is nothing unusual about such things ordinary and everyday dish that many of us, certainly, is prepared for breakfast. But the answer is that it is completely made up my youngest son, eight years old, and I just commented on, helped and took off, affected and forced to temper justice with mercy. And having seen the final picture appetizing, asked "only repeat that the resulting practical experience and make for her the same thing." So "on the heels" son of my mother fed a delicious and simple breakfast.

Rustic Cherry Pie

Rustic Cherry Pie

When I caught the eye of the recipe for this cake with cherry village, it did not attach any value. Well, really, everything is a snap, and even just, I decided, and set it aside "for later". He did the composition of ingredients, neither the technology nor the name, did not cause macabre curiosity, forced to go straight to the kitchen.

Pancakes with crab sticks

Блины с крабовыми палочками

In general, the first time the pancakes with crab sticks yours truly tried back in the days when they first appeared in the public domain. And many (I - among them), we put them in everything, without knowing the actions and discrimination.
But the years passed, options are much wider, and the desire to experiment and invent something new on the contrary, I have diminished. However, it was pancakes stuffed with crab sticks and hard boiled eggs cooked on the contrary, remained. And I cook them, though not often, but fairly regularly. But how to do it, I'm with you now and share.

Scrambled eggs with onion

Яичница с луком

Scrambled eggs with a bow for a long time, and it seems to me, without any prospects for a different perception and analogy, the breakfast has become a symbol of all the bachelors of our huge planet. And the reason, as you know, this three:
• Simplicity;
• Speed;
• and nutritious.
There is another quality - a very, very pleasant taste, but how to make it more interesting, it will tell in the end.


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