Last recipes

Canned aubergines in tomato sauce
Barley porridge with stewed meat
Pozharsky chicken cutlets
Homemade pumpkin pie
Russian potato pancake recipe
Russian Shuba salad - herring salad recipe
Lavash bread
Russian beet salad "Vinaigrette"
Russian pickled cabbage kvashenaya kapusta
Potato sticks with cheese
Our favourite Russian Kulich for Easter
Russian Easter bread "Kulich"

Russian cuisine

Sour cream cookies

Sour cream cookies

My youngest son expressed the desire to prepare his first biscuit. And since his age he is still quite a bit of skill – less and culinary experience is not at all - I did to help him. But since the role of the cook belonged to him (I'm only invisible journeyman), then the recipe should be very very simple. More precisely – elementary. So, today we will prepare this sour cream cookies, and try step by step to paint, how it was done.

Russian cake with apples

Russian cake with apples

Russian apple cake (or cupcake with fresh apples, who gives the name more like it), I've never dared to cook. And the reason for this "food fear" is easily explained: probably will not work, and what comes out is neither feeding nor there, anyone just do not want to eat it.
But one day a colleague of mine, found out about it, just burst out laughing. And, not waste time, immediately offered to make this Russian apple cake. And all my excuses that it is long, difficult, and is made from a high of ingredients, just silently went to the kitchen.

Raspberry jelly

Raspberry jelly

M y youngest son loves Raspberry jelly, unlike all other similar fruit or berry. And since both his mother and older brother, always ready to compete with him in eating this dessert, I cook it quite often, actually, and I want to share with you. And so today we have "on the agenda" – a simple, but very delicious raspberry jelly.

Strawberry jelly recipe

Strawberry jelly

Almost all kinds of sweet fruit or berry jelly very fond of my wife. Especially strawberry jelly. And as shown by the reviews of my friends , she is not only in her tastes. And since the situations could be different, this jelly is so simple, but very tasty "toady".
But very few people preparing it themselves.

Hot peppers in tomato sauce

Hot peppers in tomato sauce

Canned (not fresh, although I wonder why) hot peppers, I really, really love. Moreover,  almost all males, by chance happened at my table  very happy to join in this addiction . And all would be well, such a division of the dishes on sex, but one day my wife said that would not mind to taste this dish, if I make it less "evil".

Potatoes Dauphine

Potatoes Dauphine

Delicious, original, but it is a very simple potato dish. I decided to cook it  for compelling, unambiguous request of my wife. She demanded to make something delicious, but  have not yet been tested. And as for my yesterday's very late (or rather is already today,  but only a sufficiently early) arrival, I wanted to somehow apologize and make amends, did not argue and went straight to the kitchen.

Pickled onions for the winter

Pickled onions for the winter

I really, really love pickled onions, in a variety of dishes, for example, in the same kebab. Moreover, salt-herring, it was such a simple addition, for me as a matter of course, and always an intrinsic component of the dish. But it was always only a part of a main dish, until one time I was with a friend at "garage parties" solely in the company of men, with their simple food brought in cans from home. And my sophisticated culinary experienced new taste , very simple dish: pickled onions for the winter.

Russian oatmeal honey-cake

Russian oatmeal honey-cake

I love Oatmeal cookies, and very strong. And so I cook it (as indeed, I buy ready-made), often enough. That's just it always seems like the previous one, as twins on each other, while you always want at least some diversity. So this simple recipe from five lines of oat cake, which I caught on the packaging of flour, I accepted with joy. And, of course, immediately went to the kitchen to implement and bring to life.

Russian cake "Tula honey-cake "

Russian cake "Tula honey-cake "

To bake this Russian cake demanded from me my younger son almost in the form of an ultimatum "you cook for everybody, but for me – anything". And the fact that it will be Tula honey-cake with condensed milk – "merit" of the eldest son. Therefore, under their tenacity, I gave up and went to the kitchen. And what I got, I will now tell you.

Pickled onions with carrots

Pickled onions with carrots

In General, this recipe, pickled onions and carrots, you can cook all year round. And it will not change neither the taste nor the appearance of the dish. However, I try to do it in the autumn, the peak season the preservation for the winter. Therefore, do not waste time, immediately and get started.


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