Last recipes

Canned aubergines in tomato sauce
Barley porridge with stewed meat
Pozharsky chicken cutlets
Homemade pumpkin pie
Russian potato pancake recipe
Russian Shuba salad - herring salad recipe
Lavash bread
Russian beet salad "Vinaigrette"
Russian pickled cabbage kvashenaya kapusta
Potato sticks with cheese
Our favourite Russian Kulich for Easter
Russian Easter bread "Kulich"

Russian cuisine

Potato pie - main Russian recipe

Potato pie - main Russian recipe

I have to say, this potato pie is really the whole potato and not just stuffed with this vegetable. After all, puree inside the dough, making it not just delicious, but insanely delicious. And even my wife (despite constant diets) eats  this potato pie with great pleasure. And though to say that it requires a minimum of time, it would be a lie, everything is really very, very simple. However, judge for yourself.

Chicken soup with cheese rolls

 Chicken soup with cheese rolls

Not gonna lie, that this chicken soup with cheese rolls I had prepared many times, and have already "dog eat" on this recipe. On the contrary, I did it for the first time and didn't know what happens. But  the dish turned out excellent, soon I will repeat it with only one caveat: the dough should be rolled out even thinner, and cream cheese to take a more solid. And the rest is just perfect, so let's get started.

Chicken homemade ham

Chicken homemade ham

The recipe for this chicken ham just want to start by apology: why I didn't cook it "on camera", but only "ate it under my pillow." It's so tasty, so simple, and so naturally (especially in comparison to the purchase of hams) that I will not ask myself rhetorical questions, and just go to the kitchen and make this amazing dish again.

Eggplant with peppers in tomato sauce

 Eggplant with peppers in tomato sauce

These eggplants with peppers in tomato sauce, really great always cooked my mother. Every year, in early autumn, at first I brought for her the main ingredients of this preservation, and after a couple of days – took away the finished jars. The process has become a tradition and even a ritual, but this year mom was stubborn, and decided not to cook all tested for years and decades, and switched to all new.

Marinated eggplant

Marinated eggplant

Marinated eggplant for the winter, I cook it every autumn, because the result is not just delicious and interesting but great. And if you opened the jar you will stop  only in one case: it simply ended. But to go back for another, just have no strength. One thing to advise (from personal experience): all ingredients in this amazing appetizer, multiply at least by two. Work the same, and the result will please you.

Cheese crackers

Cheese crackers

The recipe for these cheese crackers I came across quite by accident, when with the eldest son we were looking for in the network the necessary information for his homework on geography. And as for cheese he "can sell home", then seeing it sparkle in the eyes I realized that studying is slightly shifted, and I go straight to the kitchen. Especially because all the ingredients of this dish, I have just at home.

Russian Chicken cutlets - Tenderness

Russian Chicken cutlets

When the eldest son asked what I cook, or rather – what is it and what is included in the composition of these chicken cutlets Tenderness, he immediately exclaimed: "it's an ordinary chicken nuggets". Not going to argue with him (I know that's just a futile exercise), but it is a completely different dish. Though the source - chicken breast - for them is the same. But the fact that these cutlets are much tastier and much more interesting – no doubt.

Casserole zucchini with minced meat

Casserole zucchini with minced meat

This Casserole zucchini with minced meat  in no way claims to be a celebratory meal. Perhaps because of the simplicity of the appearance, maybe because of the ordinary, just an ordinary combination of ingredients, and maybe even because of something. I do not know. But such elementary (but make it really very, very simple, and even in quite a short time), did not affect its very rich and interesting taste.

Stewed sweet peppers

Stewed sweet peppers

I bet that once you read the title of the recipe – Stewed sweet peppers and imagine him, the imagination itself was created with a delicious, summer-fall vegetable dish, is only a rough consistency. As the outside, dense skin of this vegetable, keeps food from many of you.


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