Casserole zucchini with minced meat
This Casserole zucchini with minced meat in no way claims to be a celebratory meal. Perhaps because of the simplicity of the appearance, maybe because of the ordinary, just an ordinary combination of ingredients, and maybe even because of something. I do not know. But such elementary (but make it really very, very simple, and even in quite a short time), did not affect its very rich and interesting taste.
So let's just move from words to deeds and prepare this Casserole zucchini with minced meat.
So, we need:
• one large zucchini,
• 350 grams of ready-made stuffing (I took a grade-a beef, as for me – just perfect combination for all such courses),
• and a heaping teaspoon of salt. As an option – still need milled black pepper and coriander to minced meat, but this is strictly a matter of taste and preferences of each of us.
That's all.
Preparing our casserole with zucchini very quickly, so all ingredients should be prepared in advance. Oh, and 200 degrees, put the oven to warm up, it's about time. At this temperature, we'll bake.
Cut zucchini lengthways (the thinner the better).
Onion blender "into dust" and mixed with minced meat and half of the salt,
and peeled potatoes RUB on a medium grater. Preparation is over.
then even out in a makeshift basket stuffing
the top layer of potatoes, sprinkle with salt also, and above all hammered egg. So our casseroles with zucchini will be not only excellent taste, but very delicious crust.
Put on 25 to 30 minutes (it all depends on the bakeware) on the middle shelf of the oven, and bring to readiness.
That's wisdom, casserole with zucchini with minced meat is ready. It cools down fast enough,
Photo 14.
so – enjoy your meal. And believe me, many of those who will be at the table, is guaranteed to ask for supplements.