Last recipes

Canned aubergines in tomato sauce
Barley porridge with stewed meat
Pozharsky chicken cutlets
Homemade pumpkin pie
Russian potato pancake recipe
Russian Shuba salad - herring salad recipe
Lavash bread
Russian beet salad "Vinaigrette"
Russian pickled cabbage kvashenaya kapusta
Potato sticks with cheese
Our favourite Russian Kulich for Easter
Russian Easter bread "Kulich"

Russian snacks

Pancakes with crab sticks

Блины с крабовыми палочками

In general, the first time the pancakes with crab sticks yours truly tried back in the days when they first appeared in the public domain. And many (I - among them), we put them in everything, without knowing the actions and discrimination.
But the years passed, options are much wider, and the desire to experiment and invent something new on the contrary, I have diminished. However, it was pancakes stuffed with crab sticks and hard boiled eggs cooked on the contrary, remained. And I cook them, though not often, but fairly regularly. But how to do it, I'm with you now and share.

Marinated zucchini

Маринованные кабачки быстрого приготовления

The recipe of marinated zucchini, love me a very long time. Ever since the days when I first started to cook their own, making its first, tentative steps. And it coincided with a general shortage of food and with my students, which is partly held away from home. And many of the dishes had to invent on the fly, from what was available, and not go to the nearest supermarket with a list of required ingredients as often I do it now. But I would still like it to be so delicious, interesting, and most importantly - very simple, that years later I am preparing the pickled zucchini often enough.

Cottage cheese casserole with herbs

Творожная запеканка с зеленью

All kinds of simple, very simple, and vice versa, quite complex and multi-stage, I have practical knowledge and experience, more than a dozen. But meanwhile the lion's share of them - sweet and very sweet desserts, while salty foods - one, two and obchelsya. And I perceive the interests of each of them, trying not to fish or cut bait, as soon as possible to prepare. That is why I have today in the menu - salty cottage cheese casserole with herbs and how to do it - I'm with you, and share.

Chips with paprika

Как делать чипсы в домашних условиях

The first time I was preparing myself chips (not bought them in the shop), I believe that all of the recipes are the same, and differ only used for this purpose seasoning. And there was a fundamentally wrong, because each of them has a very slight, but still features allowing to make a really tasty treat, instead of just dried salted potatoes. Therefore I have today in the menu - chips with paprika, and that's how they cook, I'll tell you.

Chips in the microwave

Как приготовить чипсы в микроволновке

First time to cook chips in microwave at home, persuaded me to my eldest son. He, like the vast majority of children (so to confess, and adults, too) loves these simple snacks. But as a conscious dad (namely to them myself and I attribute), which is making every effort to protect their children from all sorts of "unwholesome food", we have a strict limit: one big pack of a month. After all, none of us (of course, in addition to technologies on the production of snacks) and do not know that, apart from just potatoes goes for their preparation.

Salty wheat crackers

Сухарики в домашних условиях в духовке

For many years I experimented with different recipes, techniques and varieties of bread themselves, hoping to get "the same taste" salty wheat crackers. Sachets which just overwhelmed with all the food stalls, without exception (and not only) stores. But here's the thing: I did not get to do something like that.

Rye crackers

Ржаные сухарики с чесноком в духовке

One morning at breakfast, I came across a loaf of bread Borodino from the nearest supermarket, as they themselves say, "its own baking." But not for its taste and aroma, it attracted me, and his very dense, almost solid (and it is - in a fresh loaf) structure. And though I knew that just on the taste of rye crackers it will affect very slightly, almost nothing, then "hrustyavosti" - very much. I was not wrong, and so I have today in the menu simple but very tasty and crispy rye crackers.

Rice Omelet

Рисовый омлет

I must admit, the first time I cooked rice omelette not the camera, from specially harvested products, as well as a residual. Simply build everything edible in an empty refrigerator before scholarship in his third year in the institute hostel. And so he sunk into my memory, so cook it quite elementary, but it turns out very hearty and tasty, that years later, I have not time preparing it.

Russian salad with asparagus

Russian salad with asparagus

When I first prepared this pudding, asparagus in Korean, I never would have thought that it would be among my most favorite dishes. Moreover, the spouse, which is always wary of some novelty in the usual diet meals, fully and completely approved the unsophisticated, but very tasty snack, asking to repeat. Therefore, today I will move quickly from words to deeds, and prepare this asparagus in Korean.

How to cook garlic arrows

Как приготовить чесночные стрелки

Garlic appeared in our country for a long time, and he came from Byzantium. Garlic has long been used in food to give effect to the fight against diseases. In ancient times, warriors before the next fight mandatory ate a whole head of garlic.
Contraindications to the use of garlic arrows: kidney disease, gallbladder disease, anemia, ulcer.


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