Last recipes

Canned aubergines in tomato sauce
Barley porridge with stewed meat
Pozharsky chicken cutlets
Homemade pumpkin pie
Russian potato pancake recipe
Russian Shuba salad - herring salad recipe
Lavash bread
Russian beet salad "Vinaigrette"
Russian pickled cabbage kvashenaya kapusta
Potato sticks with cheese
Our favourite Russian Kulich for Easter
Russian Easter bread "Kulich"

Flour dishes

Pancakes with cheese

Блины с творогом рецепт с пошаговым фото

All kinds of pancakes stuffed with a whole, and pancakes with cottage cheese in particular, I cook with enviable regularity. And all because they are constantly making cottage cheese, the basic "raw material" for them - a serum, I always abound.

Pancakes with chicken pate.

Блинчики с паштетом

My wife, when she wants to do something nice for me and the children,  she cook this tasty treat whole bunch, and then takes the praise, flattery and gratitude. Although in her own words, there is nothing  tricky and intricate, complex and simple. But to me, this dish does not given, although I, for the honor of speaking, never tried it. Just do not need

Fritters classic recipe

Оладьи классические рецепт

Recipe for making these pancakes that most housewives lion prepare it for breakfast, I found the wife, among the most favorite recipes. Simple step by step cooking, gently derived childish handwriting in blue notebook with an already yellowed pages.

Dumplings with strawberries

Вареники с клубникой

Well, who among us does not love dumplings with cottage cheese, mushrooms, potatoes. In rare hostess supply of these "vyruchalok" is not stored in the freezer. But no less tasty dumplings with fresh berries. They were especially fond of children. And, significantly, they too can make some for the future and put in the freezer. Cooked ice cream they do not lose neither their taste or flavor 

Mushroom lasagna

Лазанья грибная

Lasagna - a common dish of Italian cuisine. Is very popular due to the ease of preparation and wide palette of taste. Stuffing for it can serve as meat, cheese, mushrooms, fish. Present to you the recipe for mushroom lasagna and - la Russe with bechamel sauce and cheese sauce.

Pizza is a national Italian snack. As a rule, for the filling, you can use whatever is in your fridge. However, the preparation of traditional Italian pizza has certain subtleties, following which, you will receive a dish is not worse than the most expensive Italian restaurant.

To prepare the basics, you can use yeast or leaven. Yeast dough is prepared more quickly, however, is considered less useful. Well, this is at your discretion.

Consider the case of a yeast base.

Curd cupcakes

Вкусные творожные кексы

Curd cupcakes. This is exactly the recipe that only called loudly - curd cupcakes, while preparing it is not easy, but very, very simple. This "culinary mystery of" if I may say so, may repeat any newcomer, who had managed to burn scrambled eggs and undercooked meat dumplings bought in the nearest grocery store. And of course, it is just perfect for those times when unexpected guests call and say: "I ​​leave to you in 30 minutes I will." So just prepare these cheese muffins on a very simple recipe and just 40 ... 45 minutes (depending on the size of your molds).

Cheese fritters

Сырники пышные рецепт с фото

Most of us associate with cheesecakes kindergarten or breakfast on a weekday with my grandmother that she had prepared in the early morning and we are still in the dark winter morning and pitch dark outside, bare feet slapping on the linoleum floor, has trudged into the kitchen. And we have not woken up by the gentle words like "wake up, late for school" or annoying alarm, and from the wonderful smell that comes with a small and sometimes even close, but warm and cozy kitchens.


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