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Curd cupcakes

Вкусные творожные кексы
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Flour dishes
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Russian cuisine


Curd cupcakes. This is exactly the recipe that only called loudly - curd cupcakes, while preparing it is not easy, but very, very simple. This "culinary mystery of" if I may say so, may repeat any newcomer, who had managed to burn scrambled eggs and undercooked meat dumplings bought in the nearest grocery store. And of course, it is just perfect for those times when unexpected guests call and say: "I ​​leave to you in 30 minutes I will." So just prepare these cheese muffins on a very simple recipe and just 40 ... 45 minutes (depending on the size of your molds).



So the first thing on the 180 ... 190 degree oven to warm place. At the same temperature and we'll bake our cheese muffins.
Two chicken eggs (whole, without separating the yolks from the whites)
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with 100 grams of sugar
Вкусные творожные кексы

whisk. Stable, fluffy foam you do not succeed, but it is not necessary. Cupcakes and so well rise during baking, but more on that below.
Вкусные творожные кексы

300 grams of cheese,
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100 grams (half a pack), beat butter too. And even if the curd Krupka, nothing wrong with that, when they are baking melt. But oil should be soft enough for whipping, so unless you took it out of the fridge in advance, 15 ... 20 seconds in the microwave for him would be optimal.
Вкусные творожные кексы

In cottage cheese and butter introduce a glass of flour
Как приготовить творожный кекс

half a teaspoon of baking powder (thanks to him, our cupcakes will rise and air)
Как приготовить творожный кекс

One ... two grams of vanillin (do not overdo it, less is better than more, otherwise the cupcakes will be unpleasantly bitter),
Как приготовить творожный кекс

and of course, beaten eggs and sugar. Once again, all is well with whisk, so powerful performance mixer or a good hand blender, you will just need.
Как приготовить творожный кекс

Spread batter in molds (not much 2/3 will be enough dough to rise well)
Как приготовить творожный кекс

and place on the middle shelf of the oven baked. Bake for 35 ... 40 minutes until golden brown, then immediately remove the molds and get hold of them cupcakes. Cool they have been without them, otherwise it is likely that cupcakes just fall off, and so they cool faster.

That's all wisdom. Once cooled, sprinkle with powdered sugar, although this can not do, because these cheese cakes and so very tasty.
Enjoy your meal.

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