Russian dish liver BeefStroganoff
In the title "BeefStroganoff" is based on what it needs to be made: beef or veal. Therefore, to maintain historical justice in the preparation of liver Stroganoff, make it out of beef liver, and the rest will strictly follow the rules of cooking.
A piece of beef liver thaw, or cook it fresh (so be gentle).
Remove pellicle with a thin knife (it's quite simple, and tenderness of beefStroganoff will vary at times) and rinse well. If time permits soak in a couple of liters of water per 2 ... 3 hours, so it will come from the blood. Well, if there is no extra time – prepare as it is.
Cut the liver into long, thin slices,
and send on to the pan, adding a little vegetable oil.
Peel one large onion (or two small),
Put the onions to the liver and mix well.
make the base for the sauce. Be sure to hydrate the flour in cold water, otherwise it will do the lumps.
Stirring constantly, cook it until boiling (it's 1 ... 2 minutes max),
then add 200 grams (one Cup) of sour cream and again bring it to boil.
Pour sauce to half-ready liver, salt and pepper (to taste), and be sure to add ground coriander.
Stir again and simmer our beef Stroganoff, covered 2 ... 3 minutes.
That's all - our liver beefStroganoff is ready.
Bon appetit. Believe me, it's insanely delicious and the meat really melts in your mouth.