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Strawberry jelly recipe

Strawberry jelly
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Russian desserts
Russian cuisine


Almost all kinds of sweet fruit or berry jelly very fond of my wife. Especially strawberry jelly. And as shown by the reviews of my friends , she is not only in her tastes. And since the situations could be different, this jelly is so simple, but very tasty "toady".
But very few people preparing it themselves.



And even those who dare to take this "desperate and uncompromising step", just take the finished bag with the words "Strawberry jelly", and just exactly doing all that the packaging.
But today we will make really tasty, natural snack that nobody can resist, and not the vague "something" toxic colors and synthetic smell, proposed to us by the manufacturers. We will prepare a real strawberry jelly, but spending a minimum of effort and time.
Immediately move from words to action, so we need:
• fresh (although you have to try to cook from frozen berries) strawberries, weighing approximately 600 grams,
Strawberry jelly recipe

• a packet of gelatin in 20 grams (someone takes less, but with a new producer, I'm always on the safe side, maybe today with it today jelly does not harden),
Strawberry jelly recipe

• 50 grams (two tablespoons heaped) granulated sugar,
Strawberry jelly recipe

• and water. That's all we need to prepare our delicious strawberry jelly.
Strawberry jelly recipe

Wash berry my clean from the green stems. About half (no need to weigh in the balance and recalculate all the berries) decompose in shape. I have this ordinary glasses of 200 ml, therefore, will need exactly four pieces. Yes, and of course the most beautiful and delicious strawberries,
Strawberry jelly recipe

while the rest of the berries we mash with a pestle to puree (faster give their taste, color and smell), pour three cups of water and put on fire to boil.
Strawberry jelly recipe

Gelatin pour 50 ml of cold water, stir and leave to swell.
Strawberry jelly

Compote boil? Boil it for five minutes, then strain it, pour swollen gelatin, add sugar, and mix until complete dissolution of sugar.
Strawberry jelly

Pour the resulting liquid into glasses with berries and put in the fridge  for several hours (on two ... three, no less), set to harden.
Strawberry jelly

That's wisdom, our strawberry jelly ready. And it is not only completely natural, fragrant and beautiful, but also very tasty. And to be sure of yourself, just cook it in your kitchen. As you can see, it is very very easy. You can use this jelly not only itself, but for our strawberry cake for decorating.
Strawberry jelly

Bon appétit.

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