Stuffed pike in Hebrew
For this dish, we need:
-schuka (1 kg)
-Slightly unsalted fat (about 100 grams)
-2 bulbs
1 or 2 eggs
- 1 carrot
-1 Teaspoon of honey
-hydrochloric, pepper
-smetana (200 grams)
Thus, all the ingredients you already have, now it's time to start the cooking process itself. First, you need to cut pike stocking. To do this, you need to clean it from the scales, then cut the gills. We take out all the insides, without opening the abdomen, then carefully cut the cartilage between the head and torso. Next, you need to separate the flesh from the skin in the region of the head and pull the skin, holding the fork ridge. On the inner side of the skin need to be cut from the skin and ridge leftover meat, then to twist them in a meat grinder (for a dish not got sharp stones). Ready stocking rinse under running water. Now it can be used for cooking.
Twist in a meat grinder fat, then chop the carrots into small cubes, not more than 3 millimeters. So after cutting finished baked pike will look very beautiful and delicious. Adding fat to grind, cut carrots and eggs in ground beef, season with all this salt and pepper (seasoning is put to taste) and mix thoroughly.
We now move on to our "stocking." It needs to be thoroughly cleaned out to a delicious dinner did not turn food poisoning. Begin stocking stuffing of minced pike skin ready. It is important not to overdo it. If you fill the skin stuffed to the eyeballs, "stocking" simply can burst. Therefore, from the remaining stuffing can be made burgers or meatballs and bake them with fish. Still it is possible to fill the remaining minced fish head.
Now you need to prepare a pan for baking. To do this, take a piece of foil and make the food they pan, greased with vegetable oil to fish during the cooking time not to burn and not stuck to the pan. We shift filled with minced pike on a baking sheet, spread around meatballs, and in those places where the fish regards the pan - slices of raw potatoes (again, does not stick to the pike). Then you need to pierce the leather stocking needle in several places and smear cream. Anything can be put in the oven. Temperature for baking needs 180-200 degrees. We put our fish on the fire for half an hour - forty minutes.
After half an hour you have to try to pierce the pike match or toothpick. If the leather stocking will flow unclear juice, then you need a dish to stand a few minutes. If the juice is clean, you can remove the fish from the oven.
Stuffed pike ready. Now you only have to pass it in the dish and you arrange. You can put next to the fish meatballs and potato slices. Pike can cover the mayonnaise sauce of butter and mayonnaise, chopped green priporoshit, impose lettuce, sliced bell peppers ... It all depends on your imagination and ingenuity. Enjoy your meal!