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Chanterelles fried potatoes

Chanterelles fried potatoes
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Mushroom dishes
Russian cuisine


If you want to, and prepare chanterelles fried potatoes, do the main course, a kind of "nail festive table," it would not be the best solution. And all because it looks very ordinary, prosaic and not solemn. But it is the taste and the smell of it, as one would say a lot of us, "is worthy of kings." And while preparing it is very simple, fast enough, and all of the five quite ordinary (except fresh chanterelles, season collection which is very short) ingredients. But judge for yourself.



So, you will need:
• 500 grams of fresh mushrooms,
Chanterelles fried potatoes

• the same amount of potatoes,
Chanterelles fried potatoes

• One medium onion bulb,
Chanterelles fried potatoes

• a little vegetable oil for frying
Лисички жареные с картошкой

• and heaped teaspoon of ordinary table salt.
Лисички жареные с картошкой

That's all we need. Getting.
Oil poured into a cauldron and put it on the fire to warm up.
Clean onion, finely cut,
Лисички жареные с картошкой

and send to brown. We need it even for a taste and to impart the hot chanterelle even more interesting, rich smell.
Как жарить лисички с картошкой

While the bow too light, cut into large chanterelles not thick plates, small mushrooms cut in half, and put small and so.
Chanterelles fried potatoes

We submit them to the onions, stir, and under cover, simmer a few minutes.
Chanterelles fried potatoes

In the meantime, prepare the mushrooms and onion together already, clean the potatoes, cut into cubes middle-sized,
Chanterelles fried potatoes

and put in a cauldron. Add salt, mix well, and cook over medium heat for 15 more ... 20 minutes.
Chanterelles fried potatoes

That's all wisdom, insanely delicious roast chanterelles ready. And its only drawback - you really ask for more additives. So the volume of the resulting dishes count just not worth it, anyway you will eat everything. This definitely can not doubt.

And the rest - Enjoy your meal.

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