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Brownie with cheese

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Russian desserts
American cuisine


Brownie with cheese



Popular cake - Brown with cheese. This creamy chocolate sweets has many advantages: it is gentle on the palate and promotes good mood. Cook it - not hard, if you have in your arsenal original recipe and of course the desire - to please friends and relatives to give pleasure to fragrant pastries. Even tough opponents will be satisfied with the sweet, taste delicious culinary masterpiece.

  Step by step cooking.

1. Granulated sugar (1 cup) mix with 100g butter, mash until dissolved.

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2. To the resulting mass pour two large fresh eggs. Stir. If you do not have baking powder, use half tsp. spoon soda, vinegar, slaked. All components of the beat with a mixer in a light foam.

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3. Over a bowl sift the cocoa (natural black) - and 1/3 cup white flour - 1 cup full.

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Knead the dough and place into shape. When baking on low heat as soon as the dough rise a little, gently pour on top of soft cream cheese, whipped with egg and fine sugar (table 2. Spoons). Willingness baking periodically check the wooden skewer - the cake should not be eaten raw or overdried.

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4. Ready cake out onto a plate. Prepare the chocolate glaze, it will provide an opportunity not only beautiful to issue the product, but also makes its taste delicious.

5. The glaze is prepared as follows: a half cup of finely granulated sugar pour 2 full table. l. hot water and pour two table. tablespoons dark cocoa powder. Stir and heat over low heat to a boil, season with one teaspoon of butter, stir and put on the surface of the cake designs.

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6. Once the icing hardens Brownie with cheese - bright and fragrant cake can be cut into squares and begin the meal.

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Enjoy your tea!

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