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Russian salad of salted herring with apple

Russian salad of salted herring with apple
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Russian fish salads
Russian cuisine


I am sure that most of us who have never made this salad, after reading the name of two major components – herring and Apple, with a contemptuous snort and add something like "it's totally inconsistent" and "completely tasteless".
That's what I thought and was mistaken. But curiosity, as well as the availability of all components in the house (the weather outside was disgusting, and nobody wanted  to go for new), forced to prepare this salad.



And even my wife, who at first scornfully commented "eat it yourself", all from the same curiosity tried it, and then put yourself portion and even Supplement. But everything in order.

Try this salad, You will love it, and You can even add in their recipes for Christmas.

Two large potatoes bring to the boil. This is the longest part of the cooking (after boiling 20 minutes on low heat under a lid) of dish, so in total the preparation of the salad will take a little more than half an hour.
Russian salad of salted herring with apple

A little less, but still long enough, boiled eggs. And in order that even the cracked egg does not leak, put in the water a teaspoon of salt.
Russian salad of salted herring with apple

Now the most laborious – to clean the herring from the bones, innards and skin. For this smoked or salted fish does not matter, the technology of preparing the salad is  the same. But the taste of the resulting dishes will be very different, so try each one.
Russian salad of salted herring with apple

The resulting two fillets finely cut into small cubes and put in a large (easier to mix, men will understand me) the salad bowl. In General, herring salad with Apple not very different from other salads: cut – moved – all together mixed up.
Russian salad of salted herring with apple

One average  sweet onion,
Russian salad of salted herring with apple

and quite finely chop. Send  "the company" to the fish.
Russian salad of salted herring with apple

Two large sweet and sour Apple (I took ordinary Semerenko, it was just perfect),
Russian salad of salted herring with apple

peel from the peel and pith, and slice into small, thin plastics.
Russian salad of salted herring with apple

Eggs are ready. Remove from heat and chill well. Then shell and cut (with a knife or egg slicer) small cubes.
Russian salad of salted herring with apple

And hereour potatoes are ready. Peel it (so it's much quicker to cool down), and cut into small  cubes.
Russian salad of salted herring with apple

All dressed with mayonnaise. A little, 100 ... 120 grams will be enough, and mix well all together.
Russian salad of salted herring with apple

Our herring salad with Apple ready. See for yourself that this is not simply unusual and original, but just delicious.
Russian salad of salted herring with apple

Bon appetit.

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