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"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad

"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad
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Russian fish salads
Russian cuisine


Mimosa salad. At the mention of this simple tree, or rather yellowish, small flowers, we are perforce reminded of the spring, the parish and the awakening of nature from hibernation. And the salad of the same name, is also a symbol of lightness and all that accompanies spring. So cook it today, this "ray of bright sunshine", even if the window is frosty cold or the autumn mud.



To cook a salad Mimosa  will require the most ordinary products:
Two medium boiled carrots,

"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad

the same amount of boiled potatoes,

"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad

three hard boiled eggs,

"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad

the head is medium sweet onion

"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad  

and one can (240 grams) canned fish in oil, in this case sardines.

"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad

In a flat, large salad bowl, place the fish, remove the bones and mash with a fork.
"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad
Top coat with mayonnaise. But if the extra pounds for you is a nightmare, and fit you care very, very much, replace the mayonnaise with sour cream, and calories then it will be much less. Only do not forget dosalivat, otherwise the salad Mimosa will work, but will have a very fresh taste.
"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad

Finely chop the onion, spread it evenly,

"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad 

and grease layer of mayonnaise.
"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad
Now on a grater shred the potatoes,  level it, add the layer of mayonnaise,
"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad
and on top spread an even layer of grated carrot,
"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad
and also  mayonnaise.
"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad
Now rub or even grate whites from eggs,
"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad
a thin layer of mayonnaise,
"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad
and the finely grated yolks, the "Mimosa", which gave its name to this delicious salad. You can immediately eat, but better to let it stay 8 to 10 hours, to soak and to share tastes. This Mimosa salad will only taste better.
"Mimosa" - Russian fish salad
Bon appetit.

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