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Baked cod

Как приготовить треску в духовке в фольге
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Fish dishes
Russian cuisine


The perennial problem at my house: I really like the wife of fish and dishes from it. While the kids with their very strange and peculiar tastes, preferences and habits, perceive it not only as one of the most sophisticated punishment akin week without a computer or a whole month without sweets and chocolate. Therefore, I did not cook often, when it becomes absolutely unbearable, eat meat or poultry.



But even in those days, when a fish is on my desk, I try to stick to three simple rules:
• It was very tasty;
• Fast and therefore very easy to prepare;
• There was a minimum (read - even without them) bones.
And all of these requirements are met since my favorite baked cod with cheese, which I today and prepare.
So ... 700 800 gram cod carcass need to defrost. I do this simply in the sink, leaving it for a few hours, and always without removing it from the package in which it lay. Thus, in contrast to the same microwave oven, it remains very juicy and tender during cooking, and does not become a "rubber."
Как приготовить треску в духовке в фольге

Except for the fish, you need a piece of hard cheese. Little, 100 grams will be even a lot. Although, as we know, "porridge butter will not spoil."
Как приготовить треску в духовке в фольге

He rubbed on a fine grater.
Как приготовить треску в духовке в фольге

Five small cloves of garlic (or two medium), we press press (or grind a knife)
Как приготовить треску в духовке в фольге

and with a teaspoon of salt,
Как приготовить треску в духовке в фольге

black pepper,
Как приготовить треску в духовке в фольге

and two tablespoons of mayonnaise,
Запеченая треска

mix into a homogeneous slurry. Toppings for the future of cod baked ready.
Запеченая треска

At 190 degrees set to heat up the oven. At this temperature all the time, and we will prepare it.
Put the baking foil shiny side up (to our baked cod is stuck), pour a good pinch of salt, and we place the fish. Incise it from the inside to get two fillets, connected the upper skin
Запеченая треска

Put the stuffing,
Запеченая треска

we put back the carcass again salt,
Треска в фольге в духовке рецепт с фото

and wraps. Now, for 25 minutes we send in the oven on the middle shelf baked.
Треска в фольге в духовке рецепт с фото

That's all, our baked cod with cheese ready. Call everyone to the table, as it cools down quickly enough.
Треска в фольге в духовке рецепт с фото

Enjoy your appetite.

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