Last recipes

Canned aubergines in tomato sauce
Barley porridge with stewed meat
Pozharsky chicken cutlets
Homemade pumpkin pie
Russian potato pancake recipe
Russian Shuba salad - herring salad recipe
Lavash bread
Russian beet salad "Vinaigrette"
Russian pickled cabbage kvashenaya kapusta
Potato sticks with cheese
Our favourite Russian Kulich for Easter
Russian Easter bread "Kulich"

Home canning

Home pickling fish

Home pickling fish

Most of us like salty fish. However, we buy it ready to eat, but not crude prefabricated. This is not only expencive, and so the chance to buy the fish already "tainted". But many do not how to do it themselves because of inability or lack of knowledge, although their own home pickling of fish – it's easy, and all the waiting will take three days. It all depends on the weight of the fish, the smaller it is, the faster salted. Consider the rate of about 0.5 kg of weight takes a day. Can't go wrong.

Tomatoes in own juice recipe for ages

Tomatoes in own juice recipe for ages

Delicious and very tender -  tomatoes in their juice. For me, this winterising has always been a certain model, a kind of pinnacle of culinary creativity in terms of conserves. And all because experienced housewivws (as it seemed to me then, though now I think they are just – "teapots with whistle") always said the same thing: this is the most capricious conservation, and from three cans before the season remains maximum one, or even no one. And I was saddened and alarmed.

How to cook salted cucumbers

How to cook salted cucumbers

Summer. It is time for pickled cucumbers fast food when the ground is burning and  you want to do everything. There is every type of conservation  in the store – not a solution. How simple and fast to please yourself and your (and surely  somebody else) stomach fresh pickled cucumbers? Here is a simple recipe how to cook salted cucumbers. Though the recipe to call it difficult, but rather "a step by step guide for dummies", because it's not easy, but very simple.

Zucchini compote with pineapple flavor

Zucchini compote with pineapple flavor

I must say honestly, pineapple zucchini, including compote, over the years I tried to do more than once. But always - to no avail, despite the fact that the variants have tried mass. But never, in any recipe, not just proposed to use pineapple juice and vegetables, so this recipe I'm not just interested, but forced to go immediately to the nearest market for squash and the nearest shop - for pineapple juice.

Marinated tomatoes with zucchini

Marinated tomatoes with zucchini

For this dish, marinated tomatoes and zucchini for the winter, I always treated with some caution. Well, really, zucchini - very capricious in all the vegetable preservation, and the banks with him very often just grow turbid, swell and even explode. So, better to ignore it, and cook something else.
However, the curiosity and the desire to prove to myself that I have something in the kitchen and I can sense that in the seamer, still forced me to one year to make a few jars of pickled tomatoes and zucchini. And when the winter, none of the cans did not disappoint me, I decided to write this recipe. After all, they, like many other things that I am preparing for the winter, had a very original, interesting taste. So - start.

Salted cucumbers for winter

Salted cucumbers for winter

Salted cucumbers, I really, really love. I do not like that. I love them madly, and I do every time new, when the previous batch strives to end. That's just this season, ground, not greenhouse cucumbers, oh, how short-lived. And about "Overseas green vegetables, incomprehensible and tasteless," and he does not want.
So when I came across a recipe how to prepare salted cucumbers for the winter, I did not hesitate, I went to the kitchen. And that's what I came out of it, I'll try to tell you now.

Marinated zucchini with garlic and dill

Marinated zucchini with garlic and dill

There are many recipes for this vegetable greens. Long or fast, sharp and not very complex or on the contrary, it is very simple. But this recipe I have tried many times and can say with certainty: this is the recipe for pickled zucchini with dill, you sure will not fail, nor taste, nor the fact that he is not worthy and just explode. And the fact that it is very simple, and is preparing "one left", you now see.

How to pickle squash for winter

How to pickle squash for winter

For me, summer - the season when all want to get done, but at the same time - not much strain. And in the annex to the kitchen - spend it as little time and effort, but at the same time - to diversify what happens. And this applies to both the daily food, and to the preservation of the winter.
Therefore I have today in the menu - classical marinated zucchini. But as they do, I'll tell you now. And you'll find that this recipe - the simplest, even elementary and very fast.

Marinated cherry tomatoes

Marinated cherry tomatoes

Marinated tomatoes in the winter, I love very much. And the unknown is greater vegetables themselves or marinade of them. No, pickles, of course, I love even more, but steamed jar, bright red tomatoes, a kind greetings from the hot summer, always attracted and enticed. And especially - in the chilly winter evening, to the most ordinary dinner. But almost always it was a tomato-cream, since they are the optimal size for food, or directly to the neck of the cans, but - not whimsical at best conservation.


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