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Pickled onions for the winter

Pickled onions for the winter
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Russian snacks
Home canning
Russian cuisine


I really, really love pickled onions, in a variety of dishes, for example, in the same kebab. Moreover, salt-herring, it was such a simple addition, for me as a matter of course, and always an intrinsic component of the dish. But it was always only a part of a main dish, until one time I was with a friend at "garage parties" solely in the company of men, with their simple food brought in cans from home. And my sophisticated culinary experienced new taste , very simple dish: pickled onions for the winter.



And although you can cook it all year round, I did it in the autumn conservation.
So, to make six half-liter jars, you will need:
• 12 ... 15 (depending on size) large heads of onions,
Pickled onions for the winter

• one medium size beets,
Pickled onions for the winter

• hot pepper (put it with seeds or without is up to you, but it is 100% natural preservative for similar dishes)
Pickled onions for the winter

• 30 balls of black pepper,
Pickled onions for the winter

• five bay leaves
Pickled onions for the winter

• three tea spoon of salt,
Pickled onions for the winter

• six - ordinary sugar,
Pickled onions homemade

• vinegar – two thirds to a full Cup (depending on your preference),
Pickled onions homemade

• and six glasses (number of cans) of water for the marinade.
Pickled onions homemade

That's all.
And then everything is very simple. So the first thing put to boil three ... four liters of water. Peel onion and cut into large half-rings. The "sob" part of the recipe, so to avoid this, often rinse with cold water the blade.
Pickled onions homemade

Bow parsed into separate strips (don't place the whole semirings, then the less flood banks), put it into a saucepan, and fill with boiling water. After 15 ... 20 seconds, drain it in a colander, let them dry. So we get rid of unnecessary bitterness.
Pickled onions homemade

Peel the beets and grate on the fine grater. The taste of this vegetable will not change, but its give color.
Pickled onions homemade

In cans stacked red pepper and peppercorns, Bay leaf, onion (do not fill it tightly, just no), and set aside.
Pickled onions homemade

In parallel, prepare the brine. Salt, sugar and vinegar pour in some water and put on fire to boil. Then  boil for three minutes (the salt and sugar have completely dissolved),
Pickled onions homemade

fill the jars to the top (the main quantity of beet will remain on the bottom of the pan), and preserve. That's wisdom, delicious, crunchy pickled onions for the winter, ready. The only thing it needs at least a couple of months to stand in a dark place, so and put it away.
Pickled onions homemade

And the rest – Bon appétit.

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