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Marinated tomatoes with zucchini

Marinated tomatoes with zucchini
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Russian snacks
Home canning
Russian cuisine


For this dish, marinated tomatoes and zucchini for the winter, I always treated with some caution. Well, really, zucchini - very capricious in all the vegetable preservation, and the banks with him very often just grow turbid, swell and even explode. So, better to ignore it, and cook something else.
However, the curiosity and the desire to prove to myself that I have something in the kitchen and I can sense that in the seamer, still forced me to one year to make a few jars of pickled tomatoes and zucchini. And when the winter, none of the cans did not disappoint me, I decided to write this recipe. After all, they, like many other things that I am preparing for the winter, had a very original, interesting taste. So - start.



So, tomatoes. Absolutely any (small cream just more breaks) at the rate of 500 grams per liter jar,
Marinated tomatoes with zucchini

courgettes - on one small bank
Marinated tomatoes with zucchini

three tablespoons of vinegar on it as,
Marinated tomatoes with zucchini

teaspoon salt
Marinated tomatoes with zucchini

and the same - sugar. Everything else, like sweet and black pepper, bay leaf, garlic and other things, I did not put. Pickled tomatoes with zucchini have already interesting taste, so as for me - is simply too much flavor bouquet. So - so "lonely" set.
Marinated tomatoes with zucchini

My tomatoes, and also come with zucchini. But if we put the whole tomatoes, the zucchini halves cut into thin circles.
Marinated tomatoes with zucchini

Puts vegetables in a jar (about 50 to 50), go to sleep, salt, sugar, vinegar, pour boiling water up to the top,
Marinated tomatoes with zucchini

and put pasteurized.
Marinated tomatoes with zucchini

After 20 minutes, boiling water, close the jars sealed lids and put in a dark place until the winter. And as you can see for yourself, cook marinated tomatoes with zucchini - simple.
Marinated tomatoes with zucchini

So - enjoy your appetite.

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