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Pickled hot peppers

Острый перец маринованный
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Home canning
Russian cuisine


Up to one celebrating a birthday at home, the wife always wondered: "How can you eat this sharpness, it's not just evil, he Ognian." But when they came to visit, and at the festive table was a modest pot of hot pepper in the marinade over it very quickly. And the male half (and with them - and the fair sex), was asked to "repeat" this appetizer, alluding to the "continuation of the banquet." It was only after she became convinced that it is not only simple, but tasty, and most importantly - claimed, allowed me to write this article. So today I am sharing with you how to cook hot peppers marinated in the winter.



The first thing you need directly pepper. But what color to take it - absolutely does not matter. Its taste is the choice of varieties if and depends very slightly. I'm like, this simply does not feel right so I buy three kilos of which is necessary. You probably do less of, "on trial", so let it be just one kilogram. It needs to be washed, cut and green tails, as then they will simply taste bitter. But cut white core and pick the bones, or marinate them as they are, you decide: the first option is more gentle, the second - more acute
Острый перец маринованный

Now make the marinade: one-third cup of vinegar,
Острый перец маринованный

third cup of vegetable oil,
Острый перец маринованный

one-third cup of sugar,
Острый перец маринованный

and the same amount of salt,
Острый перец маринованный

add 700 ... 800 ml of water and set on fire to boil.
Маринованный острый перец рецепт

When it boils, put in a piece of hot pepper (whole just does not fit)
Маринованный острый перец рецепт

and after re-boil it boil for two minutes more. Spread on banks (I specifically take small, just a lot of times do not eat), and put a new party.
When all welded pepper and decomposed by the banks (not much upihivayte leave some free space), the same boiling brine fill it,
Маринованный острый перец рецепт

and tightly close the lid. That's all wisdom, chilli marinated ready.
Маринованный острый перец рецепт

Finally. Until the moment you open the first jar with the hot pepper marinade, he should stand up ... another month. And it is desirable - not exposed to sunlight, as otherwise it will be the color is not so saturated, bright and simply turn gray.
Now just everything. Enjoy your appetite.

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