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Russian meat soup solyanka step by step recipe

Russian meat soup solyanka step by step recipe
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Russian soups
Russian cuisine


Not knowing what you have, but if a cheerful, noisy celebration is not in the nature or in places of entertainment, and I have at home or at the cottage, he dragged well past midnight. And not quite sober, but happy and tired guests wander into different rooms and surrender themselves to the Morpheus.

But in the morning, which often occurs in the afternoon, raises rumpled and not very cheerful people out of bed and almost everyone wants the same, liquid, hot and cold dishes that not only warms the hands of the soul, but also very pleasant to the taste.



But there is one little "but": the cook or chef I have, as I mentioned last holiday together with everyone, and stand for hours at the stove, I have neither the strength nor the desire. However, as a friendly and welcoming host, all I have to not only put to bed in the evening, but also to feed all the morning, and then cooking in the morning still has not been canceled. That in such cases, and I have a win-win recipe that suits absolutely everyone (hardcore vegetarians among my friends, acquaintances not). This is her majesty, meat hodgepodge. And in order to simplify and expedite the process of cooking, as meat-based not use cooked meat, and ordinary sausage.
And so the cooking process was more rapid and, put to boil water in a three-liter pot. Two liters of this product is the most number of times.
Солянка мясная сборная пошаговый рецепт

While the water is boiling, clean three ... four large potatoes,
Солянка мясная сборная пошаговый рецепт

and one large (or two medium) carrots.
Солянка мясная сборная пошаговый рецепт

Potatoes cut into cubes not thick oblong,
Солянка мясная сборная пошаговый рецепт

and three carrots on a coarse grater. The water was boiling, so put it in the prepared vegetables stew. Do not salt and peppers, faster to cook. Anyway, in this dish put salt or spices do not need, sausage and pickled vegetables contain plenty of them, but more on that below.
Солянка мясная сборная пошаговый рецепт

Two large, although it may take three, "butter will not spoil porridge", salted or pickled cucumbers (find that)
Солянка мясная сборная пошаговый рецепт

finely chopped, pressed well from moisture, and we place a nearly Swar potatoes and carrots.
Cолянка мясная рецепт приготовления

400 grams (can be more) smoked sausage,
Cолянка мясная рецепт приготовления

finely cut into strips, and we place the vegetables.
Cолянка мясная рецепт приготовления

From the banks of olives (green or black, with or without bone - who likes what, and what is left) merge brine, and we place the stew in the pot.
Cолянка мясная рецепт приготовления

Add the tomato paste 70 grams (two tablespoons with slide), a teaspoon of sugar and cook it all together yet exactly five minutes.
Cолянка мясная рецепт приготовления

That's all the wisdom, our meat hodgepodge, which is enough for a large company, is ready. Of course, the classics worth putting more and fried onions, and a variety of meat ingredients to increase, but the first: not all love sodden when cooking the onions, and the number of varieties and types of meat and sausages is limited only by your imagination, and their availability. Experiment. Believe me, there is only tastier.
Cолянка мясная рецепт приготовления

Finally. Almost all of the components of this team meat halophytes remain after the meal. So prepare this dish is not difficult.
Enjoy your meal.

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