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Tomato soup recipe with photos

Tomato soup recipe with photos
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Russian soups
Russian cuisine


my wife cookThis cold tomato soup from time to time. But only in summer time and in the days when very hot outside. Meanwhile, tasty and it will be in demand all year round, and my first practical experience in its preparation will be interesting not only three months out of the year. So let's just move from words to action and make this cold tomato soup with cod.



Although practice shows that there are no strict requirements, and the fish just have to be not fat. After all, cold specks of fat will not just tasteless, and disgusting, and spoiling all the food. Both as the taste and  very unappetizing appearance.
So, we cook it. We need:
• 250 grams cod fillets (all this is based on two full servings),
Tomato soup recipe with photos

• 500 ml tomato juice (you should put it in the refrigerator, making sure it is cold),
Tomato soup recipe with photos

• half of a small bunch of green onions,
Tomato soup recipe with photos

• a third of the average of a bunch of dill,
Tomato soup recipe with photos

• and a good pinch of common salt. That's all.
Tomato soup recipe with photos

We only prepare the fish while the rest of the ingredients we use "as is". It is put on the pan and WITHOUT OIL (remember that excess fat can give a cold tomato soup)  under the lid, on low heat, two ... three minutes.
Tomato soup recipe with photos

During this time, green onions finely chop.
How to cook tomato soup

Cod overturn, and so fry another couple of minutes.
How to cook tomato soup

During this time, make your  finely chopped dill.
How to cook tomato soup

Now remove the fish skin,
How to cook tomato soup

crumble it into small pieces (believe me, she will break up), sprinkle with salt, and so prepare for another minute.
How to cook tomato soup

Put it in a dish and add onion and fennel and pour all the juice. That's wisdom, our cold tomato soup is ready.
How to cook tomato soup

Bon appétit.

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