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How to cook soup with sausage

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Russian soups
Russian cuisine


This simple mess of pottage with smoked sausage is just one of those dishes that are prepared for a maximum of half an hour, and eaten much faster. After all, hungry men (and it is for them and you are likely to prepare this simple dish), knock spoons on the table and demanding a hearty and tasty dishes. It is such a thick soup - mess of pottage with sausage, today we are going to cook. 



To save the time (remember the limit of 30 minutes and an incentive in the form of hungry men), 1.5 liter pot set to boil 700 ... 750 ml of water.
Three ... four small potatoes purely mine,
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and it is thin enough (faster than cooked) chopped. Send in a saucepan.
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Average carrot too purely mine, cut off the nose and tail,
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finely cut, and also put in a saucepan. Let the vegetables are cooked.
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In the pan, pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil and put it to warm up.
Onions are peeled,
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finely cut,
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and we place to brown, stirring several times, so as not burnt. Fry until until onion is golden well (about five ... seven minutes)
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and lay it in a pan to a semi vegetables.
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Add to the pan 100 ... 120 grams pshёnnoy cereals. Now all together will be brewed.
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Two smoked sausages hunting (you had to take three, or even four, but run to the store just did not have the time)
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thinly cut slices,
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and put in a saucepan. Season with salt (teaspoon will be the time) and add freshly ground black pepper. Now we cook our mess of pottage with sausage for another five minutes.
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Spill in deep bowls and get a lot of pleasure. And if a mess of pottage with sausage cook salted crackers (or at least willing to take), this symbiosis is tastier.
That's all the wisdom. Although you can see for yourself that nothing complicated is not here.
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Enjoy your meal.

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