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Russian cabbage kvashenaya kapusta

Russian pickled cabbage kvashenaya kapusta
Vegetable dishes
Russian cuisine


Fall, winter and even early spring, this is the time when we are glad to see Russian cabbage on the table. Moreover, we also want to cook Russian cabbage with our hands, but don't have really good recipe or reliable sour vegetable recipe. So here is a simple step-by-step pickled cabbage recipe, reiterating that you get a delicious salad, which is good as a separate dish, and can be part of other interesting dishes.



Fall, winter and even early spring, this is the time when we are glad to see Russian cabbage on the table. Moreover, we also want to cook Russian cabbage with our hands, but don't have really good recipe or reliable sour vegetable recipe. So here is a simple step-by-step pickled cabbage recipe, reiterating that you get a delicious salad, which is good as a separate dish, and can be part of other interesting dishes.
For our pickled vegetable recipe we will need one kilogram of the sweet carrots. Clean them

Clean carrot 
and rub on a coarse grater.

and rub on a coarse grater 
One cabbage, weighing about 5 pounds

Take One cabbage, weighing about 5 pounds 
With a special knife for shredding (it will be easier, faster and the stripes will be thinner)

cut kapusta to the big pan 
cut kapusta to the big pan

cut kapusta to the big pan 
and mix with carrots.

Рецепт хрустящей квашеной капусты 
Three heaped tablespoons of salt, dissolve in three liters of water at room temperature

Вкусная квашеная капуста рецепт 
and pour in the cabbage. Don't take no balcony, no fridge, and just leave in the kitchen for three days.

and pour in the cabbage. 
Prevent it from dust or flew midges - close the gauze, but do not cover the lid. Russian cabbage will suffocate and will become an ugly grey shade.

close the gauze, but do not cover the lid 
After three days, strain the brine in another pot

Вкусная квашеная капуста рецепт 
and dissolve in it 9 tablespoons of sugar.

and dissolve in it 9 tablespoons of sugar. 
Pour back into the pan with pickled kapusta, and remove it for 6 hours to the cold place. This is all, pickled delicacy is ready.

remove it for 6 hours to the cold place.  
Keep sour cabbage for a couple of weeks it will stay without problems, just longer it will not work, because you eat it much earlier. After all, just with sweet onions and fragrant oil is not only delicious, but very, very tasty.

Pickled kapusta – a favorite snack of many people. From time immemorial up to the present time thrifty housewives, from late autumn, continue to cook sour cabbage, having a huge number of recipe, secrets and tricks. Let's see, what exactly is the benefits and harms of pickled cabbage.

The fermentation of sour cabbage is due to the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria, such process is called lactofermentation. Remarkable beneficial properties of sour kapusta cooked be our recupe is a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, liver, help in General cleansing of the body.

The paradox is the fact that this sour vegetable is much better for people than the fresh. The process of ferment fresh cabbage during our recipe time enriches useful substances, vitamins, absolutely necessary for normal functioning. Because eaten daily 100 grams of sauerkraut contain the required amount of vitamin C, which significantly increases the immunity of the person. Absolutely all the benefits of sauerkraut stored for ten months from the date of preparation of this unusually tasty and useful product.

The composition of saur cabbage by our recipe
The main beneficial substance is vitamin C (ascorbic acid). This vitamin is a natural antioxidant. After proper fermentation vitamin C in cabbage stored for a long period of time. Since the pickled cabbage heat treatment is not required, vitamin C is retained completely.
In addition, this favoured food item contains valuable vitamins group b (B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9), vitamin K, vitamin U (methylmethane), a large amount of mineral substances: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, silicon, selenium, iodine. In the fermentation process is enriched with cabbage lactic and acetic organic acids.
In the preparation of this sour product should warn the housewives that galvanized and tin tanks cannot be used, because the fermentation of sour vegetable above metals emit toxic substances, compounds of tin and zinc. The good capacity for the preparation this recipe of pickled kapusta is considered enamelware.

Pickled cabbage undergoes fermentation, and that then, becomes not only a distinctive taste, but the special value for the organism. Calorie salted cabbage is 19 kcal per 100 grams, which is especially valuable for people controlling their weight.

Low energy indicator combined with sufficient vitamin A, C, b and PP. For vessels will be helpful iron and potassium, which are also present in this dish, known since ancient times. In addition, pickled cabbage bowel as consists of fiber.

The peculiarity of this product is the ability to retain nutrients for a long time, which is absolutely not typical for other types of plant foods.

The salted cabbage will have a positive effect on stomach ulcers, high cholesterol and blood sugar, excess weight. Ingestion of the product is recommended for diseases of the throat and various respiratory diseases.

Pickled cabbage may be present in the menu of many, but if you are already diagnosed diseases of the immune system or severe stage of the disease the food system, before you indulge in something salty, you should consult with a specialist.

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