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Russian zucchini pie

Russian zucchini pie
Vegetable dishes
Russian cuisine


This simple and yet incredibly delicious Pumpkin pie, my wife is always ready as a tasty promotion for me. But here's the thing: I always come to the "nodding indiscriminately" and all the steps of his cooking is simply not caught. And as I did not try, but inquiring the details of preparation or just to be formulated, the wife always joked, or translate the conversation in another direction.



But one day I prepared all the ingredients (as it turned out - not all), he prepared a camera and asked him to cook. S retreat has been nowhere, and the result of preparation insanely delicious Pumpkin pie I hasten to share with you.
The first step is kneading the dough. 300 grams of wheat flour,
Russian zucchini pie

mix with a pack (200 grams) of soft butter. It is soft, but not liquid, it is very important. So just in advance remove it from the refrigerator, not at the expense accelerates the process of the microwave oven. Although, maybe I still do not know how to use it. Mesim hands, as a mixer or blender just scatter the flour all over the kitchen.
Russian zucchini pie

We add one egg,
Russian zucchini pie

and a teaspoon of salt. Once again, all the mix. The dough is ready.
Russian zucchini pie

Closing his film (not weathered), and for an hour we remove the "rest" in the refrigerator.
Russian zucchini pie

An hour wait is nearing an end, so it's time to take up the stuffing for Pumpkin Pie.
Two medium zucchini (if small - take three), I shall cut off unnecessary tails,
Russian zucchini pie

and cut into thin circles.
Russian zucchini pie

Five medium-sized tomatoes, too, I shall cut out the white core,
Russian zucchini pie

and cut into thin circles.
Russian zucchini pie

200 ... 250 grams of hard cheese is not cut,
Russian zucchini pie

and rub on a coarse grater. Now filling for Pumpkin pie is ready.
Russian zucchini pie

150 ... 160 degrees set to heat up the oven. Bake Pumpkin Pie all the cooking time, we will at this temperature, without changing it.
We reach the dough from the refrigerator. It is quite steep, so when rolling out rolling pin may be required. However, I cost the hands, and the wife - no.
Baking dish was covered with paper, spread the dough in it and make of it a "bowl" with high edges.
Russian zucchini pie

We spread the zucchini,
Russian zucchini pie

Russian zucchini pie

and above all fall asleep with grated cheese. And in any case, do not crush, filling should remain lush.
Russian recipe zucchini pie

As you know, the stuffing in squash pie, we have laid. It remains to make a fill.
Three chicken eggs divide, add to them a good pinch of salt and stir until (I got two minutes), until they become more liquid and "rubber" the proteins leave.
Russian recipe zucchini pie

A small bundle of herbs,
Russian recipe zucchini pie

finely cut, add to the eggs.
Russian recipe zucchini pie

To this was added 150 grams of sour cream and two ... three tablespoons of milk. I did not have it, just added the water, the liquid fill. Pumpkin pie on taste is not affected.
Russian zucchini pie

Once again all mix well until smooth.
Russian recipe zucchini pie

Fill the pie is ready to squash. Therefore, immediately pour it over the cake (it once all the components impregnated and bind into a single whole), and remove it on the middle shelf of the oven. Bake Pumpkin Pie 50 ... 55 minutes.
Russian recipe zucchini pie

Now We reach it and give twenty minutes ... half an hour to cool down. Although the minutes of waiting - the most difficult and painful for many. And pull them - forever.
Russian recipe zucchini pie

Cut large pieces at once, because the additives still ask most of us, and give. That's all the wisdom.

Enjoy your meal.

And we have the inimitable recipe of delicious pancakes - squash fritters recipe with photo, no one from the taste not indifferent. Try it and you.

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