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Russian patties with onion and egg

Как приготовить пирожки с яйцом
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Baking Recipes
Russian cuisine


Patties with green onion and egg, I really, really love. Perhaps even more than all the rest. However, preparing them infrequently, and even rare, and the reason for this one - an absolute dislike, and even a kind of aversion to them my sons. After their verdict on this dish was very reticent: how do you eat !? And I do not like to cook only for myself alone, because of the spouse to chronic dieting, and cakes with onion and egg, in its opinion, it is absolutely contraindicated. 



But today I have all the same cook cakes with onion and egg. And along the way and share similar experiences with everyone.
The first step is put to boil eggs. Boiled, everything is as usual: 12 minutes after boiling in salted water to even cracked the egg is not leaked. Then - cool in cold water 10 ... 15 minutes.
Как приготовить пирожки с яйцом

A beam of green onions, wash and dry well. So filling for pies "do not will float."
Как приготовить пирожки с яйцом

Now knead the dough. It is quite simple, and yet very tasty.
Three and a half cups flour,
Как приготовить пирожки с яйцом

glass of water
Как приготовить пирожки с яйцом

sachet of active yeast (11 grams)
Как приготовить пирожки с яйцом

teaspoon of salt,
Как приготовить пирожки с яйцом

and two tablespoons of sugar,
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knead into a homogeneous mass. It should be as uniform and chewy. We shift into a large bowl (the dough will rise well, about 1.5 ... 2 times), and for half an hour ... hour set aside.
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Make the filling. Finely cut onions,
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also finely chop the eggs into cubes,
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season with salt (a good pinch of salt will be enough) and mix. Do not do this well in advance, so as to let the salt onion juice, and this is undesirable. Because then it will be much harder closes up cakes.
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Now for 170 ... 180 degrees turn to heat up the oven. Bake cakes with onion and egg, we will at this temperature, as if it will be higher - Bree pies, and if it is below - just dry cakes.
The dough is well risen. Punched him, and coming off of the total lump small piece. In general, the resulting dough is enough for 12 pies, so based on that, and pretend to be about the required size.
Without a rolling pin, flatten it in the palm,
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we place two tablespoons of filling,
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and it closes up the seam. Trampled on. One patty is molded, it remains to repeat this experience even 11 times.
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Flat baking tray with baking paper blanketed and lay seam side down cakes. Not close to each other as they increase in size, and leaving small intervals.
Bake 35 ... 40 minutes on the middle shelf of the oven. Can lubricate more yolk pies, and you can not do that. The taste is not affected, only adds shine, so I'm a man, I think it's overkill.
Пирожки зеленый лук с яйцом

Cool cakes with onion and egg very quickly, so you can serve them and eat right out of the oven.
That's all culinary wisdom.
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Bon appetit.

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