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Russian salad with crab sticks "The Hut"

Russian salad with crab sticks "The Hut"
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Russian fish salads
Russian salads
Russian cuisine


This light salad with crab sticks "The Hut", in spite of his seasons (there simply is not anything that is available in certain months of the year), I strongly associated with winter in general, and in particular the New Year. While nothing prevents cook it on any other day, for no reason that I am in fact, today, and will do.



Pack of crab sticks 200 or 240 grams (which buy) thaw and gently "unwind". You should get the same "leaves", in which we are going to wrap the filling.
Легкий салат с крабовыми палочками "Избушка"

Three chicken eggs to cook hard-boiled. Nothing new and unusual, twelve minutes after boiling, and then cool them under running cold water. And be sure to put in the water a teaspoon of salt to egg did not even cracked emerged during cooking.
Легкий салат с крабовыми палочками "Избушка"

And while eggs undergo heat treatment (the only ingredient in this salad "Hut", which somehow need to cook), 200 grams of hard cheese,
Легкий салат с крабовыми палочками "Избушка"

rub on a fine grater.
Легкий салат с крабовыми палочками "Избушка"

Bunch of green (small or take a half) my, dry them,
Легкий салат с крабовыми палочками "Избушка"

and finely shinkuem. And to our salad "Hut" was the most tender, thick stems better throw.
Легкий салат с крабовыми палочками "Избушка"

A medium-sized cucumber,
Салат праздничный с крабовыми палочками

cut too shallow enough, otherwise it simply will break our crab sticks when we turn away from their filling.
Салат праздничный с крабовыми палочками

We repair all this two ... three tablespoons of mayonnaise,
Салат праздничный с крабовыми палочками

add diced eggs and stir. Filling salad "Hut" is ready. And I love it when a lot, so about half of the spread as an impromptu "foundation" on which will be posted and our "logs".
Салат праздничный с крабовыми палочками

Spread on a "leaf" two tablespoons of the filling, and turn it. And so - all rolls. Puts. Now layer lubricates mayonnaise (improvised "concrete"), and lay out the next row.
Салат праздничный с крабовыми палочками

The resulting pyramid into two ... three o'clock remove soak in the refrigerator, and before serving, sprinkle with cheese shabby.
Салат праздничный с крабовыми палочками

That's all. Enjoy your appetite.

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