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Delicious Russian salad of seaweed

Delicious Russian salad of seaweed
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Russian fish salads
Russian salads
Russian cuisine


Enough of us, but at the mention of seaweed, refuse to even listen to the composition of a dish. Not to mention the fact that it has to try or regularly enough. And all because it is nothing like seaweed, cooked in a special way and canned. And alas, not all equally sympathetic to such gifts of nature.



In my case, this salad with seaweed, was an attempt to change the attitude to it from my wife outright hostility and aversion to cool at least, tolerance. And I got it so well that I did not expect such a brilliant result: I just did not get this salad. And very soon I had to repeat the experience, and make it again. Therefore, I hasten to share with you this artless recipe salad seaweed.
The first step is put to boil half a liter of water. And so you do not forget the (usual for such a peccadillo many cooks, and I - not the exception), put it in a teaspoon of salt.
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Also put to cook three (and four can be worse than not be exact) chicken eggs. Boiled, then 12 minutes after boiling, and then cooled under running water. And do not forget the water put a teaspoon of salt. So even cracked egg will never run out.
Вкусный салат из морской капусты

Seaweed. I took a carrot and celery, you can also choose according to their tastes and preferences. On the taste of seaweed salad if it will affect, it is not much. 350 grams of it (by weight "Gross"),
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give to drain completely, just throwing it in a colander. It should be as dry as possible, because we do not want our salad with seaweed simply "floated".
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Bank of canned corn, too, should be the maximum without the brine, so just trying to cover in a few places and, turning, put down the sink drain.
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Meanwhile, boil the water. Carcass weight of 350 ... 400 grams of any white fish (hake I took)
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omit the stew. When the water comes to a boil again, reduce the heat and under the hood "forgets" her for 15 minutes.
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One medium sweet onion to clean,
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and finely crumble.
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And also act to cook and had time to cool the eggs.
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Cooked fish parse from the bones and the skin into small pieces. If you want to - and even cut, but it seems to me - it's too much.
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We put all the ingredients in one salad bowl, mayonnaise (bit 70 ... 80 grams is enough wave)
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and stir.
Салат из морской капусты консервированной

That's all wisdom, delicious salad with seaweed ready. Enjoy your appetite.

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