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Рулет мясной с яйцом внутри
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Meat dishes
Russian cuisine


This dish can safely recommend to those who are tired of the classic burgers order, from semi-finished products and preparations for this quick dinner already rather disgusted, but at the same time not so much.



In general, we want to make the dish:
• It was delicious and satisfying;
• Easy and quick to prepare;
• And at the same time - it needed a minimum of ingredients that are easy to buy in the grocery store or supermarket, just walking home from work in the evening.
So today we are preparing the meatloaf. And below you'll see how easy it is.
But in order not to waste time in vain, and as soon as possible to submit the finished meatloaf, four chicken eggs put the stew. Hard-boiled, add a teaspoon of salt in the water to even cracked the egg is not leaked in the capacity in which we are going to cook them. 12 minutes after boiling, and then cool for them in cold running water. So it will be much easier to clean.
Рулет мясной с яйцом внутри

Three medium onions, too clean, and very small, "in the dust", milled blender.
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I did not take the meat in one piece (lazy), and bought a ready-made, pig-ground beef. And it happened just perfect: it is dense enough to molded, but not as hard as pure beef. Yes, it needs a little more than six hundred grams, or calculated proportions themselves.
Рулет мясной с яйцом внутри

He also put in a little bit of ground black pepper (a third of a teaspoon is enough, you can even less)
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and a teaspoon of salt.
Рулет мясной с яйцом внутри

Mix everything together and give a few minutes to stand until heated oven. As you it is not included? It's faster, and it has really want to eat. Temperature? 190 ... 200 degrees.
Рулет мясной с яйцом внутри

Now roll down our meatloaf. Baking was covered with baking paper (it will be very necessary when we fold it in "sausage"), and level is not thick, but not thin rectangle.
Мясной рулет фаршированный яйцом

Spread on a whole boiled and peeled eggs,
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and turn.
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Bake as follows: the first 15 minutes, reduce the heat, "seal" all fragrant and delicious juices in it, and then another half an hour on low heat, tormented our meatloaf.
Мясной рулет фаршированный яйцом

That's all wisdom, our meatloaf ready. And as you can see, we have coped less than an hour. But to see how it is delicious, you have to cook it yourself.
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Enjoy your meal.

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