Pork with mustard
This dish - pork in mustard is one of my most favorite. Indeed, in less than an hour from the minimum of products and entirely without any difficulties, you can prepare this dish that everybody uninitiated in culinary mysteries has impression that you have been doing it at least half a day, from the most exotic ingredients , and only you know the technology.
And really, to cook pork in mustard, you will spend only a few minutes, and then it will just be baked without your participation. So this dish is not only good for the celebratory dinner as a "headliner", but just an ordinary meal with a very ordinary side dish. Technology remains the same, the only difference is the size (and weight) of the piece of pork. I therefore, for such a mundane dinner, took a piece of pork weighing 750 grams. Be sure to steam or chilled, you simply do not have time to defrost it (remember about time restriction).
And the mustard we take not in the form of ready-made condiments, but as ordinary powder, weighing about 20 grams. It will give us the crust, which will not allow pork to be dry and keep it juicy and tender during baking.
In addition we will need salt, heaping teaspoon,
quite a bit of ground black pepper,
and the same vegetable oil. That's all.
Pork dried (I use ordinary paper towels, sprinkle with salt, black pepper and RUB this mixture into the meat.
210 ... 220 degrees heat the oven.
Prepared meat well sprinkle mustard (maximum quality),
in the pan pour oil, put a almost ready pork in mustard and put to be baked.
After 30 ... 35 minutes, turn over a piece (or watered it released fat) to form a delicious, crisp, and another 15 minutes to put it in the oven.
At the end of time – immediately take out (in any case do not leave it up, guaranteed dries),
cut it and serve. That's wisdom, exquisite, delicate, and very tasty pork in mustard finish. The only thing left is cook it and you.
Bon appétit.