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How to cook shish kebab in the oven

How to cook shish kebab in the oven
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Meat dishes
Russian cuisine


In the prevailing majority of us (and I - not the exception), all kinds of meat and fish kebabs are associated with Mayovka, public holiday, a trip to the countryside or to the country and certainly a wonderful, sunny weather. Already I wanted to go on nature.

But such good luck is not always and delicious kebabs, we want to try more often. And for those who do not has got all kinds of electric or Barbecue skewers, kebabs cook at home in a conventional oven on bamboo skewers.



700 grams of meat (pork neck grab, is the perfect combination of tenderness, juiciness and fat content)
How to cook shish kebab in the oven

cut into small pieces across the fibers. Since the meat is not only delicious, but also better promarinuetsya.
How to cook shish kebab in the oven

Four medium onions cleaned from the husk,
How to cook shish kebab in the oven

not thick and cut the same rings.
How to cook shish kebab in the oven

In a small, deep container (I used a simple saucepan to 1.5 liters), down a layer of pieces of meat, plenty of salt,
How to cook shish kebab in the oven

and laid on top of a layer of onions. Do not forget sprinkle well with ground black pepper. Salt and pepper still not completely soak the meat will take only what you need and no more. I got two layers of meat and onions.
How to cook shish kebab in the oven

A liquid marinade, onion and meat binding, will not vinegar, lemon juice, mayonnaise, yogurt or carbonated water and dry wine. And for even more unusual and original, with both taste and appearance, take the red. High cup (250 ml) will suffice.
How to cook shish kebab in the oven

Fill it, zakroёte container with a lid and store in a refrigerator at least 12 hours, preferably at night. So meat promarinuetsya completely and will truly melt in your mouth in the literal sense of the word.
How to cook shish kebab in the oven

Bamboo skewers for roasting meat (I used seven pieces)
How to cook shish kebab in the oven

Soak in water to frying, they did not burn.
How to cook shish kebab in the oven

And then it's simple. Turn the oven and heat up to 210 ... 220 degrees (it should be a really hot), set the temperature. For cooking we use the ordinary rectangular baking dish, to which we put our skewers. Such a simple non-contact grill, so the number of pieces selected based on the size of the form. But what they need to fit tightly to each other and alternate with onion rings (even if you then do not eat), so without variations.
How to cook shish kebab in the oven

Our skewers when we expand their cooking must be adjacent to each other tightly enough so the meat is not dried up.
We put on the middle shelf. Fry the first 10 ... 12 minutes over high heat (the crust is formed, "sealing" the juices inside the meat), and then reduce it to 160 ... 170 degrees and cook another 20 ... so 25 minutes.
How to cook shish kebab in the oven

That's all, our barbecue ready. Of course, he does not have the flavor of smoke. By the way, if you often cook in the oven, yes, or even just part of the finished, you will be very interesting to learn about the new air-conditioning How to cook shish kebab in the oven

Bon Appetit.

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