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Fried zucchini with garlic

Fried zucchini with garlic
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Russian snacks
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Courgettes zucchini I never grew at his dacha, and buy it they never sought. There are commercially available, yeah, okay. They told me because of its dark green rind always seemed too hard, even rude.
But one day I just mixed the seeds, and I have grown in the garden they, zucchini squash. And since no specific dishes to cook them I did not want and did not know how (summer never has to culinary delights, everything has to be simple, very simple and too easy), then I made the most simple fried zucchini with garlic and herbs. But as I will now tell you.



So, it is uncomplicated to prepare a dish, you need (I had already done it), one large zucchini squash,
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

half of the average beam of green,
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

small head of garlic (enough for two ... three large cloves)
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

wheat flour, a tablespoon with slide will be enough,
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

vegetable oil for frying
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

and half a teaspoon of salt. That's it, proceed to cooking.
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

In a pan pour oil and put it on the fire to warm up.
Zucchini cut into not thick circles,
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

from all sides collapses in agony,
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

and lay roast. On average, even low heat (to not burn our zucchini) prepare five ... seven minutes.
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

Meanwhile, finely shinkuem washed and dried herbs,
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

peeled garlic and shred the press.
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

Overturn the zucchini and cook for another five minutes so.
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

We spread on a plate ready zucchini, salt them and sprinkle with garlic,
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

and greens.
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

And so - layer by layer, as a tavern at me (and you too) was enough for two full games on a large frying pan. Which, of course, also need to fry.
Russian recipe fried zucchini with garlic

That's all wisdom, fried zucchini ready.

But do not eat them all at once, and let them stand for 20 ... 30 minutes. Not only that, because they have cooled to room temperature, and taste of the food will be more holistic.

Finally. Absolutely the same way you can prepare and ordinary zucchini, zucchini not. While the taste of the finished dishes will be a little easier, anyway, it is very, very tasty snack.
Now exactly everything Enjoy your meal.

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