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Sbiten traditional Russian recipe

Рецепт сбитень традиционный русский
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Russian drinks
Russian cuisine


Sbiten - traditional Russian drink. Serves to Sbitnev pastries, cakes, cookies. Irreplaceable cup flaming brought down in the winter, in the mountains, while skiing. She is irreplaceable and fishing in dank autumn. Do not give up and brought down mushroom pickers, and those who love hiking. Plus sbitnya that prepares it rapidly from the minimum and products.



Sbiten Moscow.
Need: honey (two hundred grams), molasses (one hundred and fifty grams), cinnamon (one gram), cloves (two grams), hops (two grams), nutmeg (two grams), allspice (two grams), water (one liter).
Cooking: In a saucepan pour the honey, then molasses, stir and put on the stove on fire medium power. Bring to a boil, fine, pour water. Bring back to a small boil. Pour all at onceРецепт сбитень традиционный русский Sbiten wine.

Need: dry wine, red (liter), honey (one hundred and fifty grams), cinnamon (0.1 grams), cloves (some), nutmeg (a little).
Cooking: wine pour into a saucepan, put on the stove over medium heat, bring to a boil. Add honey. Stir, bring to a boil. Add all the spices and mix. Fire disable. Cover with a lid. Let it brew time: thirty minutes. Then strain through a sieve. Pour hot mugs and to the table.

Рецепт сбитень традиционный русский

Sbiten cold.
Need: honey (one kilogram), hops (twenty grams), cinnamon, ground (a couple of teaspoons), hot water (four liters).
Cooking: honey pour into a saucepan, pour in four liters of boiling water. Add hops and cinnamon. Stir. Put on the stove on fire medium power. Cook, bring to a boil and boil time: three hours. Filter, cool. Pour into mugs.

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